Bachelor's and Master's Theses, Guided Research Projects, ...

Guidelines and Template

The following document contains extensive information about Student Theses at our chair: Guidelines for Student Theses
Templates will be provided by your advisor.
Hover over the abbreviations to see the long type descriptions.

Open theses

Title Type Advisors Year Links
Design of Tests for Peer-to-Peer Systems IDP, HiWi Lion Steger, Kilian Glas 2024
Asynchronous Traffic Shaping with UBS/LRQ BA, MA, IDP Florian Wiedner 2024
Tutor for iLabX Hiwi Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth 2024
iLabX Course Content Maintenance Hiwi Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth 2024
Forward Erasure Correction Coding in QUIC IDP, MA Kilian Holzinger, Stefan Lachnit 2023
Emulation of a Robust Two-Wheeled Inverted Pendulum IDP, MA Stephan M. Günther, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2022

Running theses

Student Title Type Advisors Year Links
Kilian Warmuth SLICES/pos: Reproducible Experiment Workflows MA Eric Hauser, Stefan Lachnit, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
Dimitar Vasilev Sourcing Service-Specific IPv6-Hitlists using IPv4 Port Scans and Subdomain Analysis BA Patrick Sattler, Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl 2024
Tobias Wothge ASQ-GINO: Answering Scoped Queries with the Global INternet Observatory MA Patrick Sattler, Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl 2024
Arian Mehmanesh Matrix Federation via the NYM Anonymous Mix Network MA Leander Seidlitz, Lion Steger 2024
Anna Wimbauer LLM-based Attack Graphs Generation for Security Risk Analysis MA Lion Steger, Kilian Glas, Max Helm 2024
Eduard Rupp Improving Efficiency of IPv6 Measurements IDP Lion Steger, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2024
Aytunc Tunay Privacy-Preserving Mobility Analysis through Zero-Knowledge Methods MA Lion Steger, Kilian Glas 2024
Jenna Gudehege Analysis of IPv6 Hitlist sources BA Lion Steger, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2024
Kay Schneider Oblivious HTTP: Assessing the State of the Art BA Lion Steger, Marcel Kempf 2024
Guilherme Stark Design of a Benchmarking Framework for MASQUE-Proxies BA Lion Steger, Marcel Kempf 2024
Severin Schmidmeier Design of Hacking Challenges on Network Security IDP Lion Steger, Holger Kinkelin 2024
Cem Denizsel Assessment of zk-EVM Attestations Approaches MA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas 2024
Aleksandar Vasilev Assessment of Transactions Ordering of First-Come-First-Serve Blockchains in the Wild MA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Burak Öz 2024
Murad Muradli Detection and Analysis of Cross-Chain Arbitrages Between Ethereum and Polygon MA Burak Öz, Filip Rezabek 2024
Thomas Wagner Quantifying Cross-Chain Rebalancing Arbitrage Between Ethereum and Polygon MA Burak Öz, Filip Rezabek 2024
Alexander Hölzl Realistic Digital Twin for Time-Sensitive Networking Experiments MA Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek 2024
Zafer Tan Cankiri Cyber-Physical Twin for Networking Used in Autonomous Driving MA Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek 2024
Anna Efa Assessment of Modern Identity Systems GR Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas 2024
Nicolas Buchner Assessment of TSN capabilities on Physical and Virtual Network Interfaces MA Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk 2024
Ilteber Ayvaci Data Collection Pipeline for Blockchain Platforms MA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas 2024
Eddie Groh Evaluation of Data Availability Sampling Schemes IDP Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek 2024
Veronika Bauer Evaluation of SNARK Generation Tools in Private Infrastructure IDP Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek 2024
Nikolas Gauder Accelerating QUIC with XDP IDP Marcel Kempf, Johannes Späth, Benedikt Jaeger 2024
Luis Kleinheinz Blockchain-Support for Scientific Testbed Management BA Holger Kinkelin, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Kilian Glas 2024
Peter Fam An Analysis of the Effects of Cyber Attacks on the Network Traffic Characteristics of Shop Floor Networks MA Lars Wüstrich, Holger Kinkelin 2024
TBA Matching Ingress Traffic to Processes Using Linux eBPF MA Lars Wüstrich 2024
Lorenz Lehle Traffic Correlation Graphs MA Kilian Holzinger, Lars Wüstrich 2024
Aida Begzadic Performance Optimization Strategies for Source-Accessible Web Applications BA Florian Wiedner, Lars Wüstrich 2024
Tim Betzer Graph-based Modeling and Analysis of the TLS Ecosystem MA Markus Sosnowski 2024
Sebastian Warter Packet Processing with Programmable Data Planes and Trusted Execution Environments MA Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
Isabella Rödl Implementation of a Practical Lab Assignment for Software Defined Networking IDP Manuel Simon 2024
Dominik Ritzenhoff Implementing Forward Erasure Correction in quic-go IDP Marcel Kempf, Johannes Späth, Kilian Holzinger, Francois Michel 2024
Simon Karan Guayana Extending the pos Framework for Complex Topologies of Virtual Testbeds IDP Marcel Kempf, Eric Hauser, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
Jonas Fromm Reliable MASQUE with Multipath QUIC MA Marcel Kempf, Lion Steger, Kilian Holzinger 2024
Melanie Demmler Analysis of QUIC’s Acknowledgment Frequency and Proposed Extension Mechanisms BA Marcel Kempf, Johannes Zirngibl, Johannes Späth 2024
Jonas Merforth Modeling Web Page Performance Improvements via Loading Graphs and Testbed Simulations MA Markus Sosnowski, Florian Wiedner 2024
David Friedlein pos + LLMs: A Natural Language Interface to Reproducible Testbed Experiments BA Johannes Späth, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
Yalım Çağatay Bilgin Digital Twins in Networks: A Comprehensive Tool for Simulation, Analysis, and Real-Time Adaptation MA Christoph Schwarzenberg, Max Helm, Johannes Späth 2024
Angelo Kleinert Assessing the Energy Consumption of QUIC IDP Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth 2024
David Wachtler Security and Privacy Characteristics of eIDAS Trust Services BA Stefan Genchev, Filip Rezabek 2024
Benjamin Schaible Ensuring the Integrity of Submissions in Digital eLearning Platforms BA Florian Wiedner, Lars Wüstrich 2024
Robin Wölfel Correction Workflow Optimizations for Practical Network Courses BA Florian Wiedner, Lars Wüstrich 2024
Alexander Daichendt Secure User-Space Networking in Lightweight Virtual Machines Using TEEs IDP Florian Wiedner, Stefan Lachnit, Filip Rezabek, Jonas Andre 2024
Divij Malik Analysis and Optimization of Containerization Techniques towards Low-Latency BA Florian Wiedner, Filip Rezabek 2024
Rayen Manai Evaluation of Methods for Enhancing Web Applications Integrity BA Stefan Genchev, Kilian Glas 2024
Thomas Senftl High-Performance Network Emulation IDP Stefan Lachnit, Kilian Holzinger, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
Christoph Wen A Live-Monitoring System for Low-Latency Network Traffic MA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Eric Hauser, Manuel Simon 2024
Désirée Rentz Deployment of a 5G Network on the SLICES-TUM Research Infrastructure for Reproducible Experiments IDP Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
Simon Tietz Pacing in the QUIC Protocol BA Marcel Kempf, Johannes Späth, Benedikt Jaeger 2024
Nicolas Haunschild tbd: P4TC BA Manuel Simon 2024
Michael Haden Testbed Improvements Hiwi Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Marcel Kempf, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2024
Michael Haden Increasing Path Diversity of QUIC using MASQUE and Multipath MA Kilian Holzinger, Johannes Späth, Marcel Kempf 2024
Sebastian Haug Optimizing Threshold Signing with Time Sensitive Networking BA, MA Filip Rezabek, Holger Kinkelin 2024
Ahmet Öztürk Atacan Iyidogan Graphical User Interface and Onboard Tool for Experiment Evaluation Framework IDP Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek 2023
Tim Betzer iLab Lab Tests in the vLab Hiwi Christoph Schwarzenberg, Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe 2023
Nico Greger Improvements to Forward Erasure Correction Coding IDP Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Stefan Lachnit 2023
Mostafa Abdelrahman Threshold Signatures for Digital Currency Payment Protocols MA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Franziska Kreitmair, Lars Hupel 2023
Kento Grüner Performance Measurements of the 802.11ac and 802.11ax Standards BA Leander Seidlitz, Jonas Andre 2023

Finished theses

Author Title Type Advisors Year Links
Matthias Kirstein Happy Eyeballs: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Deployment and Configuration Across Various Versions and Implementations BA Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Lars Wüstrich 2024
Bechir Boujelbene Analyzing the Characteristics of Shop Floor Networks BA Lars Wüstrich 2024
Marco Rubin Exploring the viability of Large Language Models for the assessment of free text answers in an educational environment MA Christoph Schwarzenberg, Lars Wüstrich, Christian Lübben 2024
Tien Doan Viet Interactive and Continuous Visualization of Traffic Causality Graphs BA Lars Wüstrich 2024
Daniel Petri Rocha State-of-the-art Multipath Scheduler for QUIC MA Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf 2024
Felix Schwartz Design and Implementation of a Practical Lab Assignment for IoT and Smart Home BA Christoph Schwarzenberg, Stefan Lachnit, Marcel Kempf, Christian Lübben 2024
Vera Wesselkamp Security Aspects of the MLS Protocol beyond Building Blocks MA Cas Cremers, Lars Wüstrich 2024
Amal Smaoui Design and Implementation of a Configurable QUIC Workload Framework BA Kilian Holzinger, Stefan Lachnit 2024
Simon Borowski Macro View on Smart Contracts and their Processing Overhead IDP Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Richard von Seck 2023
Kilian Warmuth Implementation of a Testing Toolchain for a Scientific Measurement Tool IDP Stefan Lachnit, Eric Hauser, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2023
Andreas Cselovsyky Exploring the Physical Locations of iCloud Private Relay Egress Nodes BA Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Lion Steger 2023
Christian Benedikt Dietze Tracking the Lifetime of Domains MA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler 2023
Lukas Schröder Data Plane based Optimization for Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus MA Richard von Seck, Manuel Simon 2023
Simon Entholzer Congestion Control Evaluation for Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus MA Richard von Seck, Benedikt Jaeger, Kilian Glas 2023
Moritz Buhl QUIC Kernel: an In-Kernel Port and Socket Abstraction Layer IDP Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger, Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf 2023
Nikolas Gauder Performance Evaluation of Cryptography in QUIC BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Marcel Kempf 2023
Raphael Stadler QUICkly Reaching Maximum Throughput: A Comparative Evaluation of QUIC Implementations BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Marcel Kempf 2023
Johannes Späth QUIC Performance Improvements Using DPDK MA Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger, Kilian Holzinger, Marcel Kempf 2023
Adrian Pesch Building a stealthy SSH and Web Honeypot MA Fabian Franzen, Lion Steger 2023
Franz Bauernschmitt Evalution of Network Categorization Strategies BA Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler 2023
Jason Lochert Operating High-Performance Networking Devices IDP Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Eric Hauser 2023
Leon Krix On-The-Fly Network Erasure Coding Protocol for Delay and Loss-Sensitive Data BA Henning Stubbe, Kilian Holzinger 2023
Michael Oberrauch Towards Running Arbitrary Programs on SUME MA Henning Stubbe, Eric Hauser, Manuel Simon 2023
Ali Sabbagh Assessment of Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) Mitigation Techniques MA Filip Rezabek, Burak Öz 2023
Daniel Gockel Evaluation of State Channel Approaches on Smart Contract Platforms BA Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek 2023
Lukas Schröder Clustering Autonomous System Prefixes using BGP Data IDP Max Helm, Patrick Sattler 2023
Iñigo Varas Autonomous System Models using BGP Data and GNNs BA Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler 2023
Marco Dollinger Learning k-opt Heuristics for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Graph Neural Networks and Deep Reinforcement Learning BA Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger 2023
Aleksandar Arnaudov Network Parameter Optimization using Extreme Value Theory Models BA Max Helm, Florian Wiedner 2023
Marc Sinner Design and Evaluation of a Decentralized Blockchain Ticketing System MA Filip Rezabek 2023
Phillip Kemper Assessment of ZK-EVM-based Rollups for Blockchain Scalability MA Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek 2023
Dennis Irrgang Interaction of Rate-Limited Network Interfaces with TSN Queuing Disciplines BA Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek 2023
Achraf Aroua Assessment of Ethereum after the Merge MA Filip Rezabek 2023
Tizian Leonhardt Private Computing on Permissionless Blockchains IDP Filip Rezabek 2023
Gopi Mehta Exploring Reputation Systems for Permissionless Blockchains MA Filip Rezabek 2023
Leonardo Fraquelli Assessment of Scalable Blockchain Solutions MA Filip Rezabek 2023
Reshma Vasudevan Threshold Cryptography Optimization using Time-Sensitive Networking MA Filip Rezabek 2023
Nina Schwanke Modeling Network Characteristics of Blockchain Protocols MA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Kilian Glas 2023
Riko Woborschil Adaptive routing in the Babel Routing Protocol based on Quality of Service BA Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre 2023
Niklas Beck Root Cause Analysis for Throughput Limitations of QUIC Connections MA Simon Bauer, Johannes Zirngibl 2023
Simon Hülkenberg Large-Scale TCP Root Cause Analysis in Go MA Simon Bauer, Kilian Holzinger 2023
Marius Schlüter A Telemetry System for a Solar Car IDP Sebastian Gallenmüller 2023
Stefan Genchev Trustworthy Remote Signing MA Lars Wüstrich 2023
Lukas Bernwald Towards Consistency in Distributed REST API Caching MA Markus Sosnowski, Richard von Seck 2023
Dan Bachar Enhancing Distributed REST APIs on the Fly BA Markus Sosnowski, Florian Wiedner 2023
Jessica Jivanjee Local AI-based Network Anomaly Detection BA Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin, Lars Wüstrich 2023
Uros Maletic Evaluating the Impact of Data Pre-Processing to Improve Data Privacy on Machine Learning BA Lars Wüstrich, Holger Kinkelin 2023
Ferdinand List Cooperation and Communication of Swarming UAVs in Disturbed Environments MA Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin 2023
Felix Frauenschuh Evaluation of a light-weight approach for device-specific anomaly detection in an IoT network MA Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin 2023
Luca Otting Improving QUIC with User Space Networking BA Kilian Holzinger, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2023
Alexander Anton Keil Comparison of One-Way Delay Measurement Approaches BA Kilian Holzinger, Florian Wiedner, Henning Stubbe 2023
Thomas Senftl Flexible Precise Path Property Emulation BA Kilian Holzinger, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Stefan Lachnit 2023
David Weissmann The Impact of iCloud Private Relay on Networks BA Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2023
Désirée Rentz Testing and Grading of Low-Layer Network Programming Assignments Using Concepts of Behavior Driven Development BA Markus Sosnowski, Leander Seidlitz, Manuel Simon, Stephan Günther 2023
Simon Wessling Development And Application of a Hybrid Security Assessment Methodology For Source-Accessible Web Applications MA Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner 2023
Benedikt Schwankner Modeling ATS Queue Levels using GNNs BA Max Helm, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2023
Aria Talebizadeh-Dashtestani Efficient Routing in TSN-ATS using GNNs BA Max Helm, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2023
Paul Stephan Improvements to Reliable Multipath Forward Error Correction BA Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe 2023
Alexander Waldner Delay-Bound Analysis using Time-Sensitive Networking with Asynchronous Traffic Shaping and Back-Pressure Based Routing BA Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner 2023
Yalım Çağatay Bilgin Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Collaborative Editing Tool for Hardware-Based Lab Courses IDP Christoph Schwarzenberg, Manuel Simon, Christian Lübben, Florian Wiedner 2023
Utku Güngör Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Collaborative Editing Tool for Hardware-Based Lab Courses IDP Christoph Schwarzenberg, Manuel Simon, Christian Lübben, Florian Wiedner 2023
Xuanqi Xiao vLab Regression Testing Hiwi Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe 2023
Lap Shun Yu Implementing and Benchmarking Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols with DPDK MA Christopher Harth-Kitzerow, Manuel Simon, Eric Hauser 2023
Felix Hahn Failure Detection through Active and Passive Techniques in P4 BA Manuel Simon, Eric Hauser 2023
Mika Mampe eID User Guidance for Service Providers BA Lars Wüstrich, Stefan Genchev 2023
Lilo Walter Collaborative Experiment Result Collection in Hardware-Based Lab Courses IDP Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner 2023
Julian Gassner Performance Monitoring for the iLab-Labsystem BA Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner 2023
Florian Hoppe Partially Automated Plagiarism Detection for University Courses with Continuous Free Text Tasks BA Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2023
Tobias Wothge Egress Node Behavior in iCloud Private Relay IDP Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Lars Wüstrich, Lion Steger 2023
Felix Christ MASQUE-Proxying in User-Space MA Kilian Holzinger, Lion Steger 2023
Michael Hackl Improvements to Convolutional Forward Erasure Correction Coding IDP Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Stefan Lachnit 2023
Nadeeshani William Eventually Consistent and Resilient CBDC System MA Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Peter Zeller 2023
Eric Brendel Scalable Off-Chain Computing on Data Streams using Trusted Execution Environments BA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Xinxin Fan 2023
Eber Christer Scalable Cloud-based Computing relying on Trusted Execution Environments BA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Dr. Xinxin Fan 2023
Dominik Pham Towards Trustless CA BA, MA Kilian Glas, Holger Kinkelin, Filip Rezabek 2023
Alexander Daichendt Optimizing LXC Container by integrating SR-IOV for Low-Latency Networking GR Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre 2023
Petar Gligoric Emulator of a Domain-specific Linux Kernel Scheduler MA Florian Wiedner, Hagen Pfeiffer, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2023
Ruben Bachmann Comparison of DPDK-Enabled P4 Software Targets MA Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Stefan Lachnit 2023
Cevin Neubauer On-the-fly attachable Network Analysis BA Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg, Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger 2023
Maximilian Lenz Influence of Load on an Industrial Ethernet Network based on Profinet BA Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg, Max Helm 2023
Martin Fritz State of the Art Assessment of Multipath QUIC MA Kilian Holzinger, Lion Steger, Marcel Kempf 2023
Adam Karamelo On the penalty of shaping — A spotlight on ATS BA Florian Wiedner, Max Helm 2023
Dominik Kreutzer Hardware-assisted instant virtual infrastructure IDP Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre 2023
Louis Pydde TLS Certificate Usage Evaluation BA Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2023
Moritz Haid Impact of a TEE on QUIC Performance BA Marcel Kempf, Filip Rezabek, Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger 2023
Konstantin Kissel Token-based Resource Management - A Currency for Scientific Testbeds BA Holger Kinkelin, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe 2023
Jonas Herz Secure light-weight low-latency virtual networking BA Florian Wiedner, Filip Rezabek 2023
Merve Kilicarslan Quantized Private Inference of Neural Networks using Secure Multiparty Computation MA Christopher Harth-Kitzerow, Marcel Kempf 2023
Timm Bauer User Guidance for Remote Qualified Electronic Signatures BA Lars Wüstrich 2023
Tobias Zierl Evaluating Domain Presence in Certificate Transparency Logs BA Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2023
Benedikt Ruben Schaschko Inferring AS Links from a Tier 1 Dataset BA Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2023
Tobias Wasner Continuous Monitoring and Quality Assessment of Internet-wide Scans IDP Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2023
Adrian Sohn Design and Implementation of a Systematic Evaluation System for Routing Algorithms BA Christoph Schwarzenberg 2023
Michael Haden Upgrading iLab Hiwi Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe 2023
Sebastian Gosner Generation of Artificial Industrial Ethernet Traffic BA Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2023
Roland Reif Developing a Methodology for Reproducible and Comparable Penetration Testing MA Lars Wüstrich 2023
Simon Borowski Structure and Performance of Smart Contracts in Different Ecosystems MA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Richard von Seck 2022
Shouvik Ghosh Parshant Singh Extension of the EnGINE Framework and Profiling Blockchains to Identify and Optimize Bottlenecks IDP Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022
Andreas Kramer Performance Evaluation of Privacy Enhancing Infrastructure MA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022
Andrei-Cosmin Aprodu Providing Network Layer Privacy to Blockchain Protocols IDP Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022
Simon Karan Guayana Analyzing the Effect of Transport Parameters on QUIC’s Performance BA Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger 2022
Christoph Schnabl Private Group Management for Mix Networks BA Daniel Hugenroth, Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022
Marcel Kempf Analysis of Performance Limitations in QUIC Implementations MA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Adrian Pesch TUMexam - Statistics Export and Visualization IDP Stephan Günther, Jonas Andre, Benedikt Jaeger 2022
Florian Gebauer Evaluating Different QUIC Scan Approaches BA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler 2022
Yudhistira Wibowo Analysis of Blocklisted TLS Servers BA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler 2022
Robert Dillitz Transformation and Evaluation of TLS Behavior Graphs MA Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger, Markus Sosnowski 2022
Ahmet Öztürk ECDSA Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ BA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2022
Christoph Probst Rust-based MASQUE-Proxying for Lower OSI-Layer Protocol Traffic MA Lion Steger, Richard von Seck 2022
Christoph Rotte C++-based MASQUE-Proxying for Lower OSI-Layer Protocol Traffic IDP Lion Steger, Richard von Seck 2022
Zhou Lu Structural Analysis of Internet Measurement Anomalies MA Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Liming Kuang Target Generation for IPv6 Hitlists BA Lion Steger, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Sebastian Faul Virtualized Testbed Infrastructure for Practical Network Experiment BA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Florian Wiedner 2022
Maximilian Schwarzmaier Hardware Discovery Protocol Support for Programmable Switches BA Eric Hauser, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2022
Stefan Lachnit Comparison of Hardware Timestamping Facilities for 100G Networks MA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Florian Wiedner, Eric Hauser 2022
Nicolas Buchner Integration of OPC UA into a Reproducible Testbed Framework IDP Filip Rezabek, Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger 2022
Johannes Pfannschmidt Feasibility Study of Threshold BLS Signature Scheme for Tamper-Resistance Signature Service BA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2022
Altan Kesan Virtualizing T4P4S-based Programmable Network Elements MA Florian Wiedner, Manuel Simon 2022
Andrei Lebedev A Cross-Protocol Blockchain Benchmark System MA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2022
Monika Smolarska An Interactive Tool for Performance Bound Calculation in TSN and Non-TSN Networks MA Max Helm 2022
Leon Kist Comparison of TSN Qbv Schedule Validity and Quality in Network Simulators and Hardware Setups IDP Max Helm, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2022
Christopher Pfefferle Learning Spatio-Temporal Patterns for Network Delay with GNNs MA Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger 2022
Christopher Pfefferle Machine-Learning-based Delay Prediction Capability Comparison IDP Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger 2022
Zhang Chengye Machine-learning-based optimization of IEEE 802.1 Qbv Schedule Generation GR Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger 2022
Timo Michael Saunus Software-based Security for Intellectual Property and Collaboration MA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Holger Kinkelin 2022
Justus von der Beek TEE Support for Digital Data Marketplaces IDP Filip Rezabek, Holger Kinkelin, Richard von Seck 2022
Roland Warta Monitoring of DetNet Flow Requirements BA Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Filip Rezabek 2022
Tibor Aufdemkamp eBPF-based One-Way Delay Measurement using Synchronized Clocks BA Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Florian Wiedner 2022
Atacan Iyidogan Implementing the “Hierarchical Link Sharing” Scheduling Algorithm for the INET Framework and OMNeT++ Simulator BA Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek 2022
Stefan Madzharov NFT Recommendation System and Behavior-Analysis of Distributed Ledger Systems using Transaction Data MA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Antonius Gress, Dominik Mueller 2022
Davide Alessi Integration of Security Protocols into an Intra-Vehicle Networks Communication System IDP Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk 2022
Johannes Abel Modeling and Simulation of TSN-Enabled Experiments and Their Validation in an Emulated Environment MA Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek, Max Helm 2022
Ibrahim Chanakkaleli Improving a Threat and Risk Analysis Tool with System Modeling and Network Mapping BA Filip Rezabek, Monika Maidl 2022
Jacob Obrman Benchmarking Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols BA Christopher Harth-Kitzerow, Manuel Simon, Eric Hauser 2022
Philipp Eisermann Benchmarking MP_SPDZ Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols for different Network Environments BA Christopher Harth-Kitzerow, Manuel Simon, Eric Hauser 2022
Dominik Schuler Evaluation of a Quality-of-Service-aware Routing Concept in Babel BA Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre 2022
Alexander Daichendt Lightweight low-latency virtual networking BA Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre 2022
Jonas de Laporte Hardware-assisted instant virtual network BA Florian Wiedner, Benedikt Jaeger 2022
Jan Schopohl TSN – Cyclic Queuing and Forwarding Shaper on Linux MA Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2022
Mariem Feriel Sliti On the penalty of shaping — A spotlight on ATS BA Florian Wiedner, Max Helm 2022
Yipeng Liu Back-Pressure based Routing in Randomized Networks GR Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner 2022
Mirko Reimann Exploring Back-Pressure Based Routing BA Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner 2022
Maximilian Eder Analyzing eLearning statistics to improve digital teaching methods MA Christoph Schwarzenberg, Christian Lübben, Florian Wiedner, Lars Wüstrich 2022
Simon Heinrich Analysing Back-Pressure based Routing Algorithms BA Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner 2022
Oliver Scheit Git based platform for the management of collaborative teaching content IDP Christoph Schwarzenberg, Christian Lübben, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2022
Krishna Mavani Simulation of a Network Redundancy Protocol BA Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe 2022
Hafik Arhan Kamac Complex Matching in Programmable Software Data Planes MA Manuel Simon, Henning Stubbe 2022
Carlos Nechwatal Cache Efficient Hashing-Based Data Structures in P4 BA Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2022
Christian Benedikt Dietze Setup and Deployment of a Resilient Internet Scanning Infrastructure IDP Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Janluka Janelidze Analyzing Robustness and Intrusiveness of Capacity Estimation Tools in the Internet BA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger, Patrick Sattler 2022
Pooja Parasuraman Refining TCP Root Cause Analysis for Accurate Detection of Limitation Periods MA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2022
Mohammad Shaharyar Shaukat Measuring the Impact of Transport Layer Protocols and Their Configuration on the Performance of Connections MA Simon Bauer, Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Gleina Leka Active and Passive Measurements of TCP Option Deployment MA Simon Bauer, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Michael Kutter Evaluation of Scalability and Limitations of HTTP/3 BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Kevin Ploch QUIC Performance on 10G Links BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Simon Schäffner cloudPos: A Portable Toolchain for Reproducible Networking Experiments in Testbeds MA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Manuel Simon 2022
Tristan Döring Packet Selection using Concepts from IPFIX and PSAMP BA Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe 2022
Nelson Gillo One-Way Delay Measurement using Data Plane Programming and Synchronized Clocks BA Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe 2022
Lorenz Nickel Validation of Physical Properties in Networked Systems via Acoustic Side-Channels BA Lars Wüstrich, Stephan Günther 2022
Rene Jung Detecting the Internet Presence of Organizations Utilizing the Graph Structure of the TLS Ecosystem BA Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler 2022
Markus Schacherbauer Designing a Database-Structure for Hardware-Based Lab Courses IDP Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2022
Lorenz Lehle Implementation of an Interactive Import and Export Tool for Hardware-Based Lab Courses IDP Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner 2022
Jonas Kaps High-Performance Low-Latency Forward Error Correction Coding for Reliable Ethernet Communication MA Kilian Holzinger, Filip Rezabek 2022
Sugandh Huthanahally Mohan Fine Time Measurement based Time Synchronization for Multi-AP OFDMA Wireless Industrial Environments BA Rute Sofia, Florian Wiedner, Jonas Andre 2022
Jan Weßeling Event Processing in Software Data Planes BA Manuel Simon 2022
Timon Tsiolis Analyzing the Extensibility of Programmable Data Planes BA Manuel Simon, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2022
Anna Wimbauer Role Based Qualified Electronic Signatures IDP Lars Wüstrich, Filip Rezabek 2022
Markus Schacherbauer Profiling Applications via their Network Flows MA Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2022
Patrick Großmann Extended Usage Analysis of EDNS Client Subnet BA Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Lion Steger 2022
Theresa Gräbner Setup and Deployment of a Large Scale Certificate Scan Database BA Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2022
Florian Gantioler Per-Flow Cluster- and Back-Pressure-Based Routing in Wired Networks BA Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner, Max Helm 2022
Tin Raic Threshold Cryptography enabled QES MA Filip Rezabek, Lars Wüstrich 2022
Elias Nechwatal Online Traffic Causality Graphs BA Kilian Holzinger, Lars Wüstrich 2022
Tim Betzer Propagate Distrust Among Servers Utilizing the Graph Structure of the TLS Ecosystem IDP Markus Sosnowski 2022
Jonas Lang Towards an Internet-Wide Certificate Revocation Observatory IDP Juliane Aulbach, Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler 2022
Christoph Wen Evaluation of Microservice Placement Strategies for use in the IoT BA Christian Lübben, Erkin Kirdan 2022
Amir El Sewisy A Reliable, Secure, Usable and Scalable Platform for the Internet of Things MA Christian Lübben, Erkin Kirdan 2022
Maximilian Haberl Combining feature relevance and clustering for root cause analysis of network anomalies MA Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin 2022
Lion Steger State of the IPv6 Internet: Revisiting IPv6 Hitlists BA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach, Oliver Gasser 2021
Mostafa Shorim Dynamic Scheduling of Applications in Edge Network Infrastructure MA Philippe Buschmann, Max Helm 2021
Lars Schwegmann Prediction of TCP Performance Metrics using Deep Graph Neural Networks MA Benedikt Jaeger, Max Helm 2021
Julian Villing Automatic Recognition of Crosses in Digitalized Documents MA Benedikt Jaeger, Stephan Günther 2021
Matthias Michailow Implementation and Analysis of In-Network Computation in Programmable Data Planes MA Manuel Simon, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2021
Raphael Schmid ROV + IRR: Are Authorized Routes Registered? BA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach 2021
Pascal Henschke Analyzing BGP as a Graph BA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach 2021
Steffen Deusch Analyzing the Effect of Domain Parking on DNS Based Research BA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach 2021
Christian Kilb Analysis of Practical Permissionless PoS-based Consensus MA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2021
Sebastian Voit Bringing QUIC to High-speed Networks MA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2021
Felix Myhsok Blocklists: Who is blocked? BA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Markus Sosnowski 2021
Daniel Hegedüs The First Year of QUIC v1 Deployment BA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Benedikt Jaeger, Juliane Aulbach 2021
Till Müller Exploring Frame Injection Capabilities of the ath9k and ath10k Linux WiFi Drivers IDP Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre 2021
Aaron Huber Schnorr Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ BA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2021
Philip Höbler BLS Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ BA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2021
Dimitri Tyan A Metric-Based User Interface Analysis of TUMexam MA Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Benedikt Jaeger 2021
Zaim Sari Analysis of modern exam management and conduction using scan exams and TUMexam in particular BA Hans Pongratz, Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre 2021
Stefan Lachnit Hardware Timestamping on 100G Network Cards IDP Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Florian Wiedner 2021
Irina Tsareva Performance Evaluation of P4 Architectures for the NetFPGA IDP Henning Stubbe, Manuel Simon, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2021
Michal Virgovic Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Threshold Decryption Schemes MA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2021
Kilian Glas Evaluation of Distributed Key Generation Approaches for Threshold ECDSA Signature Schemes MA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2021
Mohamed Bilel Besrour Evaluating Approaches to Detect Server and Client Limitations of TCP Throughput BA Simon Bauer 2021
Gege Quan A Fully Automated Analysis Pipeline for Long-term Internet Traffic Analysis BA Simon Bauer, Juliane Aulbach, Patrick Sattler 2021
Bastian Hofmann Supervised Network Traffic Classification Using Flow Characteristics MA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2021
Severin Kathke Characterising IP Prefixes From Passive Traffic Captures MA Simon Bauer, Patrick Sattler 2021
Eric Rosche Automated Testing of Capacity Estimation BA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2021
Bakar Andguladze Scalable Per-Hop Capacity Estimation MA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2021
Jennifer Sorensen Analysis of User Behavior and Prefix Significance BA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2021
Konstantin Herbold Compiling P4 to uBPF: Evaluation of Software-Based Packet Processing BA Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2021
Jan Oesterle Survey on AI-based Methods for Network Anomaly Detection BA Christian Lübben, Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Lars Wüstrich 2021
Michael Fraitzl Latency Evaluation of Software Switches BA Florian Wiedner, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2021
Jakob Eigenmann Implementation of Network Traffic Models BA Kilian Holzinger, Florian Wiedner, Henning Stubbe 2021
Benedict Blümel Evaluation of the P4 Software Target p4c-dpdk MA Manuel Simon, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2021
Markus Budeus Mapping Network Flows to Applications for Profile Creation BA Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2021
Nadja Schricker Creating Traffic Causality Graphs from Network Captures and Application Logic MA Lars Wüstrich, Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2021
Stefan Genchev Online Identification Using the German eID Scheme - Practical Analysis Based on a Certificate Issuance Use Case BA Lars Wüstrich, Holger Kinkelin 2021
Samir El-Assal Scalable Virtual Network Topologies using SR-IOV BA Florian Wiedner, Benedikt Jaeger 2021
Michael Haden Simulation of Time Sensitive Networking BA Kilian Holzinger, Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk 2021
Janik Nier Analysis and Comparison of Attack Sequences BA Lars Wüstrich, Christian Lübben 2021
Nicole Kubitza Interactive Visualization of Network Calculus Methods BA Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger 2021
Peter Bachmeier Analysis of Routing and Delay Properties in Time Sensitive Networking Scenarios BA Christoph Schwarzenberg, Florian Wiedner 2021
Simon Bachmeier Preventing Short-term Network Congestion with Traffic Reshaping BA Benedikt Jaeger, Juliane Aulbach, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2021
Mauricio Garrido High Precision Profiling of Network Paths BA Florian Wiedner, Max Helm 2021
Jan Schopohl Asynchronous Traffic Shaping with Paternoster IDP Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2021
Achref Aloui Traffic Causality Graphs for Industrial Networks BA Lars Wüstrich, Christian Lübben, Holger Kinkelin 2021
Ben Riegel Assessing Link Utilization From Passive Datasets BA Simon Bauer, Johannes Zirngibl 2021
Max Reimann Validating CPD for TCP Transfer Period Classification BA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2021
Patryk Brzoza KPI Analysis of Webserver Traffic through Active Measurements MA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger, Patrick Sattler, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2021
Florian Wachter Explainable AI for Anomaly Detection MA Christian Lübben, Lars Wüstrich, Holger Kinkelin 2021
Tizian Leonhardt Impact of Security Measures on PTP Synchronization Accuracy BA Filip Rezabek, Max Helm 2021
Yannik Gehring Revealing Organizational Structures in an Internet-wide TLS Graph MA Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler, Juliane Aulbach 2021
Jonas Lang Large Scale TLS Certificate Revocation Analysis BA Juliane Aulbach, Markus Sosnowski 2021
Paul Wiessner Emulation of Network Traffic for Applications in Autonomous Driving IDP Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk, Kilian Holzinger 2021
Rafi Al Attrach Similarity Detection for Free-Text Input BA Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner 2021
Stefan Janker Similarity Detection for Databases BA Lars Wüstrich, Florian Wiedner 2021
Alexander Kranzer Algorithmus für Asynchrones Traffic Shaping in Time Sensitive Networking BA Florian Wiedner, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2021
Lorenz Lehle Efficient Processing of Large Network Captures BA Lars Wüstrich, Johannes Zirngibl, Christian Lübben 2021
Tim Betzer A Systematic TLS Scanning Approach Minimizing the Used Requests and Comparison with other TLS Scanners GR Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler 2021
Zeynep Sonkaya Development of an Efficient Large Scale DNS Scanning Pipeline IDP Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2021
Dominik Freiherr von Künßberg Mapping Network Flows to Local Processes Efficiently BA Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2021
Krutav Shah Enhancing NIDS with End-Host Information MA Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2021
Tobias Wothge Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Protocol Detection BA Patrick Sattler, Lars Wüstrich, Johannes Zirngibl 2021
Karoline Ilse IPv6 Deployment Analysis using BGP Announcements BA Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Juliane Aulbach 2021
Chon Kit Kuok Dockerized Network Experiments Done Right MA Richard von Seck, Holger Kinkelin, Filip Rezabek 2021
Arman Dupanovic Analysis of network path behavior based on per-interface timestamps BA Florian Wiedner, Max Helm 2021
Sindi Cali High Precision Packet Path Analysis on a Single Node BA Florian Wiedner, Max Helm 2021
Stefan Schrott Anonymization of Network Captures BA Lars Wüstrich, Filip Rezabek 2021
Joao Neto Self-Learning Anomaly Detection for Smart Spaces MA Christian Lübben, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2021
Pooja Parasuraman Hardware-Supported Packet Monitoring on a Single Host IDP Lars Wüstrich, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2021
Michael Haden Intrusion Detection using Streaming Network Telemetry IDP Kilian Holzinger, Markus Sosnowski, Simon Bauer 2021
Johannes Abel Digital Twin for Time-Sensitive In-Vehicular Networks Using OMNeT++ Simulator and the INET Framework IDP Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek, Kilian Holzinger 2021
Roland Bernhard Reif Detecting BGP Hijacking in Real Time IDP Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2020
Gagan Nandha Kumar Integration of Segment Routing with the IEEE TSN data plane MA Benedikt Jaeger, Christoph Schwarzenberg, Kostas Katsalis 2020
Christian Wahl Analyzing the Stability and Expressiveness of Large-Scale DNS Scans MA Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl, Juliane Aulbach 2020
Mohammad Nour Moazzen Performance Evaluation and Parameter Optimization for Network Coding Module MA Stephan M. Günther, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Jonas Andre 2020
Noah Bergbauer TUMexam – Joint Image Processing for Written and On-site exams MA Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Naab 2020
Max Schickert TUMexam - Ingegration of a Distribution and Submission Mode for Homeworks and Exams IDP Stephan M. Günther, Benedikt Jaeger, Jonas Andre 2020
Noah Bergbauer TUMexam usability IDP Stephan M. Günther, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Naab, Jonas Andre 2020
Halk Kempec Development of a Browser-Based Image Editor for TUMexam BA Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Jasper von der Heidt Analyzing PTP Master Clocks in the Wild BA Johannes Zirngibl, Max Helm, Henning Stubbe 2020
Lazlo Jäger Investigating the Precision of Packet Shaping and Pacing in Linux BA Benedikt Jaeger, Max Helm 2020
Philippe Buschmann Analyzing Quic in the wild MA Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Benedikt Jaeger, Juliane Aulbach 2020
Christoph Probst Robust UDP-based Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus BA Richard von Seck, Johannes Schleger 2020
Thomas Günzel Extending the TUMexam iPad App MA Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Philip Holzmann User-defined Grade Calculation for TUMexam BA Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Arsatius Regler TUMexam: Development of a collaboration tool for sample solutions BA Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Tim Weber A Graphical Room Plan Editor for TUMexam BA Stephan M. Günther, Jonas Andre, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Simon Schäffner Embedded Testbed for Reproducible Measurements IDP Richard von Seck, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Christian Kilb Blocklists: What is blocked and why? IDP Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler, Markus Sosnowski 2020
Sebastian Heinrich Kappes An Analysis of the Development and Early Deployment of Encrypted SNI BA Johannes Zirngibl, Max Helm, Patrick Sattler 2020
Justus Fries Graph-based Analysis of Server TLS Parameters IDP Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler, Lars Wüstrich 2020
Marcel Mussner In Depth Analysis of QUIC’s Lack of Kernel Optimizations MA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2020
Lennart Keller Packet Pacing with the QUIC Protocol BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2020
Alexander Castendyck Methods for Performance Anomaly Detection in Distributed, Heterogeneous Systems MA Christian Lübben, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2020
Bassam Jaber Quantifying Middleware Interoperability via Emulation MA Erkin Kirdan, Christian Lübben, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2020
Florian Bauer Machine Learning supported IoT Data Modeling BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Christian Lübben 2020
Simon Schäffner Continuous Microservice Placement in the IoT BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Christian Lübben 2020
Benjamin Löhner Analyzing User Statistics to Give Individual Learning Feedback and Improve Course Content BA Christian Lübben, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2020
Hande Akin Self-Learning Models for Anomaly Detection in Smart Spaces MA Christian Lübben, Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2020
Oliver Scheit Enabling Collaborative Labsystem Workflow BA Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2020
Robert Dillitz Uncovering PTP Master Clocks in the Wild BA Johannes Zirngibl, Max Helm, Henning Stubbe 2020
Muhammed Sahin Analysis of Servers use of TLS Parameters IDP Patrick Sattler, Markus Sosnowski, Lars Wüstrich, Max Helm 2020
Lucas Fabian Mair Performance of UDP-based Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus BA Richard von Seck, Johannes Schleger 2020
Moritz Geist Latency Comparison of Virtual and Real Networks BA Benedikt Jaeger, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Florian Lercher Evaluation of TCP Congestion Control Using Network Simulation BA Benedikt Jaeger, Dominik Scholz 2020
Juliane Aulbach Evaluation of TCP BBR v2 Congestion Control Using Network Emulation MA Benedikt Jaeger, Dominik Scholz 2020
Otto Breitwieser Applications of Certificate Transparency MA Max Helm, Patrick Sattler 2020
Daniel Pfaff Performance characteristics of the SiFive U540 RISC V CPU IDP Paul Emmerich 2020
Frederic Naumann Step It Down a Notch: 100Gbit/s Software Visiting 10Gbit/s Land MA Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Manuel Simon State management in programmable data planes MA Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Nikolas Mühlbauer Evaluation of OPC UA PubSub over TSN MA Erkin Kirdan, Filip Rezabek, Thomas Paul, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2020
Achraf Aroua Feasibility of Static Path Redundancy for Real-Time Applications in Software BA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Holzinger, Thomas Paul, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Justus von der Beek Software Implementation of Path Duplication on Link Layer for Real-Time Traffic BA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Holzinger, Thomas Paul, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Leon Kist Performance Evaluation of Lightweight Transport Layer Security Protocols BA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Robert Junge A Tamper-Resistant Signature Services Based on Schnorr threshold signing MA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Sam Katala A Tamper-Resistant Signature Services Based on BLS threshold signing BA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Bohdan Hirnyak A Tamper-Resistant Signature Services Based on EDCSA threshold signing BA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Raphael Schleithoff Lightweight Consensus for Distributed Certificate Issuance BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Filip Rezabek 2020
Mario Silaci Konzeption und Implementierung einer Echtzeit-Bestands-Datenbank basierend auf NetFlow Daten MA Simon Bauer 2020
Ruben Bachmann Entity Characterization for Network Traffic Modeling BA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Jonas Fromm Classifying TCP Throughput Changepoints with TCP Transfer Periods BA Simon Bauer 2020
Philippe Barias Long Term Analysis of TCP Internet Traffic Characteristics MA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Ferdinand List Estimating the Narrow Link Position of Network Paths BA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Michael Jungmair A Framework for Automated Analysis of Software-Defined Switches IDP Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Till Müller Evaluation of Stateful Software-Based Low-Latency Packet Processing BA Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Moritz Mülke Automatic Synthesis of High Quality Network- and Traffic Datasets based on Real Data MA Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Monika Smolarska Implementation and Comparison of TSN Network Calculus Models BA Max Helm, Christoph Schwarzenberg 2020
Felix Schrimper TUMexam: Digitalizing Attendee Control for Examinations - Image and Text Recognition on Mobile Devices BA Stephan M. Günther, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Johann Bernhard Engineering a Communication System for a UAV for a Humanitarian Aid Program on Top of Basic Data Links MA Stephan M. Günther 2020
Matthias Linhuber Virtualized Data Center Networks Utilizing Programmable Switches IDP Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Manuel Simon 2020
Eric Hauser Network-in-the-Loop: Rapid Prototyping and Measurements of Computer Network Topologies MA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Manuel Simon 2020
Alexander Sytchev Virtualized Data Center Networks In-A-Box BA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Jakob Mezger Performance Analysis of BFT Consensus BA Johannes Schleger, Richard von Seck, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Twan Schoonen Decentral Trust Infrastructure based on Tamper-Evident Logs MA Johannes Schleger, Richard von Seck, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Umur Mert Modeling the IIoT Inter-dependencies in Smart Factories MA Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2020
Michael Stehling Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für das Internet der Dinge am Beispiel der Technologie LoRaWAN (Abschlussarbeit) BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Lars Wüstrich 2020
Lukas Schröder Fingerprinting IoT Devices via Their Physical Properties BA Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2020
Lu Zhou Reproducible Research Infrastructure with NixOS BA Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe 2020
Simon Ellmann Investigating effects of hardware isolation in high-speed network environments MA Paul Emmerich, Benedikt Jaeger, Florian Wiedner 2020
Felix Hsieh Virtualized networking BA Florian Wiedner, Benedikt Jaeger, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Andrei Lebedev Performance Evaluation and Improvement of Hyperledger Iroha IDP Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Mohammed Said Derbel AI-based anomaly classification BA Christian Lübben, Lars Wüstrich, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Tim Betzer Maximize Information Gain from Internet Scans while Minimizing Impact BA Markus Sosnowski, Patrick Sattler 2020
Markus Schacherbauer NUMA-aware Virtual Network Topologies Using SR-IOV BA Florian Wiedner, Benedikt Jaeger 2020
Redian Copa Service Function Chaining with MoonGen BA Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe 2020
Tobias Wasner Assisted correction of free text answers BA Christian Lübben, Christoph Schwarzenberg, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2020
Leon Imhof Secure BLE beacons with additional data BA Lars Wüstrich 2019
Daniel Meint Reliable Caching for the Internet of Things BA Stefan Liebald, Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2019
Alessandro Piccoli Secure Group Key Update in IoT MA Lars Wüstrich, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2019
Roland Bernhard Reif Analysis of EDNS Client-Subnet Load Balancing BA Patrick Sattler, Johannes Zirngibl 2019
Marcel Kempf Evaluation of the QUIC Spin Bit for RTT Estimation BA Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Zirngibl 2019
Florian Wiedner Large-scale TCP Throughput Limitation Analysis MA Simon Bauer, Paul Emmerich, Benedikt Jaeger 2019
Leo Schedelbeck rDNS Leaks - Disclosing the Real Infrastructure of Shadowed Services BA, MA, IDP Johannes Zirngibl, Patrick Sattler 2019
Dominik Kreutzer Nameserver Rate Limits - Dynamic Adjustment of Scan Behavior BA, MA, IDP Johannes Zirngibl, Johannes Naab 2019
Otto Breitwieser Performant Certificate Transparency Monitoring IDP Max Helm, Patrick Sattler 2019
Stefan Lachnit Mininet Performance Evaluation and Optimization BA Benedikt Jaeger, Max Helm 2019
Nicolas Buchner Influence of Network Conditions on PTP Accuracy BA Max Helm, Henning Stubbe, Johannes Zirngibl 2019
Niklas Beck Sensitivity Analysis of Network Calculus Models BA Max Helm, Henning Stubbe, Benedikt Jaeger 2019
Sebastian Vogl A Reusable Measurement Framework for optimizing IoT Systems MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Christian Lübben, Stefan Liebald 2019
Marco Eggersmann Autonomous IoT Service Update and Migration Management MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Christian Lübben, Stefan Liebald 2019
Julian Ulrich Self-Adapting IoT User Interfaces BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Christian Lübben, Stefan Liebald 2019
Daniel Federschmidt Assessment of Private Inference Methods for Deep Neural Networks in Autonomous Driving MA Benedikt Jaeger, Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Sebastian Wirkert 2019
Peter Okelmann Optimization of Software-Routers using Machine Learning IDP Leonardo Linguaglossa, Paul Emmerich, Fabien Geyer 2019
Simon Sternsdorf Evaluation of an Application Proxy as Scalable Microservice in the Cloud IDP Sebastian Gallenmüller, Johannes Naab, Claas Lorenz 2019
Dominik Winter Evaluation of an Application Proxy as Scalable Microservice in the Cloud IDP Sebastian Gallenmüller, Johannes Naab, Claas Lorenz 2019
Sebastian Borchers Stream connections in P2P Overlays MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald, Christian Lübben 2019
Andreas Wehe Smart Space oriented Middleware Compatibility MA Stefan Liebald, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2019
Benedikt Müller Data Obfuscation in distributed IoT Environments BA Stefan Liebald, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2019
Paulius Sukys IoT Service Modelling MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald, Christian Lübben 2019
Lucas Wolf Lightweight snapshotting of virtual network experiments IDP Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2019
Lars Wüstrich Predictive Caching using Machine Learning in IoT Scenarios MA Stefan Liebald, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2019
Christoph Putz Efficient Data Replication in Distributed IoT Environments MA Stefan Liebald, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2019
Alexander Frank Evaluation and Analysis of a Hardware Programmable High-Performance Switch MA Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe 2019
Thomas Zwickl Interrupts in User Space Drivers MA Paul Emmerich 2019
Boris-Chengbiao Zhou Treiber für virtuelle Netzwerkkarten in Rust BA Paul Emmerich 2019
Sebastian Voit TCP Stacks in Go IDP Paul Emmerich 2019
Andreas Molzer Ethox: A TCP/IP Stack in Rust IDP Paul Emmerich 2019
Thomas Günzel Writing Network Drivers in Swift IDP Paul Emmerich 2019
Esaú García Sánchez-Torija Writing Network Drivers in Java BA Paul Emmerich 2019
Sebastian Di Luzio Writing Network Drivers in Javascript BA Paul Emmerich 2019
Manuel Simon Automated Performance Analysis of an FPGA-based P4 Platform IDP Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2019
Maximilian Endraß Performance Evaluation of Software Dataplanes MA Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2019
Simon Mages Comparative Performance Analysis of Userland TCP/IP Implementations MA Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz 2019
Eric Hauser Evaluating Wireless Communication Channels Based on IEEE 802.11 BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2019
Christoph Rudolf Tamper-resistant creation of integrity tokens for trustworthy communication in cyber-physical systems MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Richard von Seck 2019
Filip Rezabek A Fault-Proof and Tamper-Resistant Certificate Issuance Process MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Jorge Cuellar 2019
Jan Martin Vogt Feasibility of DLT-based Data Storage and Exchange in Small Scale IoT Networks BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2019
Christian Kilb Privacy-preserving VoIP Signaling with Secure Multiparty Computation BA Dr. Marcel von Maltitz, Richard von Seck 2019
Xiaolin Ma Feasibility of OAuth 2.0 based Authentication in a V2V Communication Scenario BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Georgi Kehaiov (IC-consult) 2019
Emir Chalgaf An Evaluation of Manageability and Adaptability of Hyperledger Fabric BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Johannes Schleger 2019
Markus Oberprieler Designing a Lightweight Alternative to Distributed Ledgers MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Johannes Schleger, Max Helm 2019
Victoria Simon Benchmarking Deep Learning Approaches for Routing in a Reproducible Environment MA Fabien Geyer, Leonardo Linguaglossa, Benedikt Jaeger 2019
Christoph Schwarzenberg Measuring Performance and Path Characteristics of Webservers MA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger, Patrick Sattler 2019
Huu Tung Nguyen Implementation and Evaluation of an Available Bandwidth Estimation Tool BA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2019
Patryk Brzoza Accuracy Optimization of Passive Capacity Estimation GR Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2019
Chun-Te Sung Classifying Throughput Changepoints with TCP Performance RCA MA Simon Bauer 2019
Constantin Christandl Packet I/O for Parallelized Network Monitoring BA Simon Bauer, Paul Emmerich 2019
Kilian Holzinger High Performance Online TCP Root Cause Analysis MA Simon Bauer, Paul Emmerich, Benedikt Jaeger 2019
Fabian Helfert Load Generation for L4 Traffic Analysis MA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2019
Felix Hartmond Network Device Benchmarking with an 100Gb/s SDN Router MA Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe 2019
Paul Wiessner Comparing Expressiveness and Performance of Packet Processing Languages BA Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Henning Stubbe 2019
Patrick Sabanic OSNT Network Performance Evaluation BA Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2019
Stefan Stark A Framework for Analysis of Network Performance Metrics MA Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2019
Ivan Kendzor Modeling Scheduling Algorithms in Network Calculus BA Max Helm, Henning Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer 2019
Marcel Mussner Comparing Network Calculus Guarantees with Latency Measurements in Emulated Networks BA Max Helm, Dominik Scholz, Benedikt Jaeger, Henning Stubbe 2019
Henri Allgöwer Improving TUMexam iOS User Experience Through Usage Analytics BA Stephan M. Günther, Georg Wechslberger, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger 2019
Julian Villing TUMexam: Digitalizing Attendee Control for Examinations – Recognition of Student Cards and Registration Number Box BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Naab 2019
Leon Nissen TUMexam: Digitalizing Attendee Control for Examinations BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Benedikt Jaeger 2019
Alexander Mildner Evaluation of Online Schedule Synthesis Algorithms for Time-based Scheduled Time Sensitive Networks MA Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger, Marcel Wagner, Hèctor Blanco Alcaine 2019
Felix Wieser Implementation of a Navigation Solution for an Experimental Rover-Platform Extendable to Multiple Agents BA Stephan M. Günther, Armin Wedler 2019
Jonas Andre Link Aggregation of Multiple Wireless Interfaces MA Stephan M. Günther, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Maurice Leclaire 2019
Adrian Pesch Browser-based LaTeX-editor for TUMexam BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Benedikt Jaeger, Johannes Naab 2019
Dominik Winter Implementation and Evaluation of an Application Proxy as Virtualized Network Function BA Johannes Naab, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Claas Lorenz 2018
Francois Aubet Machine Learning-Based Adaptive Anomaly Detection in Smart Spaces BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Ellen Maeckelburg Privacy-aware Policy-based IoT Access Control MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Florian Kreitmair Efficient Storage Backends for IoT Data MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Friederike Groschupp Crowdsourced IoT Data Modeling BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Denis Celik Semi-Autonomous IoT Service Management on Unattended Nodes MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Lars Wüstrich Extension of the virtual iLab-Isle IDP Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Fabian Buske Providing a Remotely Manageable Runtime Environment for IoT Services MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Lorenzo Donini Autonomous Certificate Management for Microservices in Smart Spaces MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Matthias Moegerle A User-Assisted Creation of Semantic Indoor Models for Smarter Applications MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Christian Luebben Using Wearables in IoT scenarios MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Valentin Antoni Exchange Platform for eLearning Courses BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Desislava Dimova Socially Interactive Learning Materials BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Sarah Jost Statistical Analysis of eLearning Processes BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2018
Jonathan Borowski Testing Test Tools BA Paul Emmerich 2018
Maximilian Pudelko Efficient Site-to-Site VPN MA Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2018
Alexander Frank Cost Efficient Hardware Timestamping IDP Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich 2018
Simon Ellmann Writing Network Drivers in Rust BA Paul Emmerich 2018
Alexandru Obada Writing Network Drivers in Python MA Paul Emmerich 2018
Fabian Bonk Writing Network Drivers in OCaml IDP Paul Emmerich 2018
Alex Egger Writing Network Drivers in Haskell BA Paul Emmerich 2018
Sebastian Voit Writing Network Drivers in go BA Paul Emmerich 2018
Maximilian Stadlmeier Writing Network Drivers in C# BA Paul Emmerich 2018
Stefan Huber Using the IOMMU for Safe and Secure User Space Network Drivers MA Paul Emmerich 2018
Daniel Krieger Discerning of TCP Congestion Control Algorithms in an Emulated Environment MA Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer, Minoo Rouhi 2018
Peter Okelmann Performance Analysis of VPP BA Paul Emmerich, Dominik Scholz 2018
Henning Stubbe Performance Analysis of P4 on NetFPGA MA Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Fabien Geyer 2018
Johannes Zirngibl Extensive Analysis of IPv6 Address Assignment and its rDNS Special Domain MA Johannes Naab, Quirin Scheitle 2018
Johannes Zirngibl Creating IPv6 Hitlists through Rigorous and Deterministic rDNS Walking IDP Johannes Naab, Quirin Scheitle 2018
Patrick Sattler Large-Scale DNS Analysis MA Johannes Naab, Quirin Scheitle 2018
Oliver Schmidt A Framework for In-band Network Telemetry using P4 GR Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Fabien Geyer 2018
Dominik Pham Experimental Evaluation of Route Hijacking Detection BA Heiko Niedermayer, Miguel Pardal 2018
Michael Koepferl Development of Security Guidelines for Production Environments MA Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Thorsten Delbrouck 2018
Mohamad Nour Moazzen Wireless Networking Testbed HiWi Maurice Leclaire, Stephan M. Günther 2018
Julian Roos Modelling Organizational Structues for a Federated Distributed Ledger-Based Certificate Management System BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2018
Yannick Gehring Incorporating Automated Checks in a Distributed Ledger-Based Certificate Issuance System BA Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2018
Alexander Bauer Evaluation of Distributed Ledger Technology in Automotive Scenarios MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer 2018
Marc Müller Trustworthy and tamperproof configuration management of networked devices MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Cora-Lisa Perner, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer 2018
Anil Karatas Experimental Performance Evaluation of Distributed Private Ledgers in a Virtualized Environment MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Benedikt Jaeger 2018
Thomas Maier Exposing Insecure Configurations of Network Session and Permission Graphs MA Simon Bauer, Jonas Jelten, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2018
Josef Schmeißer Congestion control with Graph Neural Network and Reinforcement Learning IDP Fabien Geyer, Benedikt Jaeger 2018
Zhihui Pan Predicting Internet Paths Dynamics using Machine Learning BA Fabien Geyer, Benedikt Jaeger 2018
Luca Ciprian Performance Evaluation of P4 with Cryptographic Co-Processor BA Fabien Geyer, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2018
Florens Werner Performance Evaluation of OSPF BA Dr. Fabien Geyer 2018
Alexander Mildner Performance Guarantees for Wireless Links: Validation using Measurements GR Dr. Fabien Geyer 2018
Michael Eder Network Discovery Orchestration MA Jonas Jelten, Simon Bauer 2018
Patryk Brzoza Implementation of a Network Bandwidth Estimation Tool BA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2018
Leonhard Stemplinger TCP Flow Performance Root Cause Monitoring BA Simon Bauer, Benedikt Jaeger 2018
Hamza Zafar Amplification Attack Detection using Active Measurements MA Simon Bauer, Oliver Gasser, Stefan Metzger 2018
Fakhraddin Panakhov Description and Processing of Security Policies MA Johannes Naab, Lukas Schwaighofer, Manfred Schäfer 2018
Max Schickert Development of a Scanner Frontend and Image Transfer Protocol for Scanner Exams BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab 2018
Moschino Breuer TUMexam: Building a Reliable and Secure Platform for Taking Digital Exams BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab 2018
Felix Schorer TUMexam: Building an Extension for Creating and Grading Digital Exams BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab 2018
Burak Atalay A Framework for Automated Analysis of P4Runtime MA Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2018
Thomas Bachmaier Performance Evaluation of Fast In-Band Network Caching of Key-Value Stores IDP Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Benedikt Jaeger 2018
Jaber Bassam Evaluating TCP SYN Flood Mitigation Mechanisms Using P4 IDP Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2018
Robert Junge Impact of Meltdown and Spectre on Networking Performance BA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Johannes Naab, Dominik Scholz 2018
Christian Hofbauer Investigating Passive Delay Measurement Techniques on Sampled Traffic BA Minoo Rouhi, Johannes Naab, Simon Bauer 2018
Rohit Arunrao Deshmukh Dynamic Configuration of IoT Environments MA Jan Seeger, Dr. Arne Bröring, Dr. Lin Wang, Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser 2018
Felix Beil Long Term Analysis of HTTP Strict Transport Security BA Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser 2018
Ralf Baun Performance and Security Analysis of Alternative DNS Transports BA Quirin Scheitle, Johannes Naab 2018
Glenn Skjong Internet Toplists: Creating an Alternative Internet Top List Service MA Quirin Scheitle, Jonas Jelten 2018
Johannes Schleger Detection and Characterization of TLS Interception in Access Networks MA Jonas Jelten, Florian Wohlfart, Quirin Scheitle 2018
Miguel Àngel Campos Gaviño Improving Bro’s performance with DPDK BA Simon Bauer, Jonas Jelten, Paul Emmerich 2018
Martin Zinnecker TUMexam: Building a Neural Network for Evaluation of Crosses BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger 2018
Lars Schwegmann TUMexam: Development of an iOS Appilcation for Digitally Assisted Correction BA Stephan M. Günther, Georg Wechslberger, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab, Benedikt Jaeger 2018
Felix Kuperjans Native Service Interfaces for the Virtual State Layer BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2017
Markus Loipfinger Deep Learning in Smart Spaces MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2017
Julius Polar iLab Exchange Platform MA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2017
Beatris Burdeva Improving eLearning through statistical Feedback BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2017
Alexander Schulz Identification of IPv6-IPv4 Sibling Pairs from Passive Observations BA Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Minoo Rouhi 2017
Samy el Deib Detecting IPv6-IPv4 Sibling Pairs Based on few Data Points BA Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Minoo Rouhi 2017
Florens Werner Finding Active IPv6 Addresses BA Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Johannes Naab 2017
Christoph Kowatsch Anonymous Micro-payments for Continuous Service Delivery MA Sree Harsha Totakura 2017
Dominik Schöffmann Flow Bifurcation in High-Speed Packet Frameworks GR Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2017
Dominik Bitzer Privacy-Preserving and Transparent Access Control for Data Queries in Sensor Networks MA Marcel von Maltitz, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2017
Fabian Bonk Snabb-compat: accelerating Snabb Apps BA Paul Emmerich, Dominik Scholz 2017
Lukas Wüsteney Realizing Techniques for Industrial Ethernet Using the P4 Packet Processing Language GR Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer 2017
Henning Stubbe Implementing a P4 Benchmarking Suite for libmoon IDP Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer 2017
Manuel Simon Performance Analysis of Hyperscan BA Dominik Scholz, Paul Emmerich 2017
Alexander Kurtz Application-level Firewalling with eBPF IDP Dominik Scholz, Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer 2017
Dominik Schöffmann High-Performance State Machines for Software Packet Processing Systems MA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz, Fabien Geyer 2017
Julius Estler Performance of Programmable Network Cards for Industrial Ethernet MA Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Fabien Geyer 2017
Michael Brunner Multi-protocol Path Topology Evaluation BA Minoo Rouhi, Dominik Scholz, Oliver Gasser 2017
Katharina Wiegräbe Identifying Web-enabled Devices on Internet Paths BA Minoo Rouhi, Dominik Scholz, Quirin Scheitle 2017
Christian Wahl Detection and Analysis of Security Incidents in Honeypots using FlowScope BA Minoo Rouhi, Dominik Scholz, Paul Emmerich 2017
Markus Paulsen Certificate Monitoring BA Heiko Niedermayer 2017
Andrea Drekovic Models for Normal and Attack Traffic in Traffic Causality Graphs BA Heiko Niedermayer 2017
Markus Hinz Experimental Evaluation of Route Monitoring BA Heiko Niedermayer, Miguel Pardal 2017
Adrian Schultz Route Monitoring to detect anomalies on your connection BA Heiko Niedermayer 2017
Fabian Helfert Framework for Informed Route Selection Analysis in Overlay Networks BA Heiko Niedermayer, Sree Harsha Totakura 2017
Frederic Naumann Enhanced Certificate Protection BA Heiko Niedermayer, Sree Harsha Totakura 2017
Daniel Pfaff Designing a Text-Based User Interface for Packet Generators BA Paul Emmerich 2017
Linus Michel SDN-CERT: Benchmarks of OpenFlow-Switches BA Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich, Simon Bauer 2017
Thomas Eidenmüller Analysis of Parallel Packet Processing on NUMA Architectures BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2017
Simon Mages OpenBSD Driver for a Secure FPGA-Based NIC IDP Paul Emmerich, Alexander von Gernler (genua GmbH) 2017
David Gogrichiani Evaluating Databases for the Internet of Things BA Stefan Liebald, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2017
Erkin Kirdan A symbolic Fourier-Motzkin Solver IDP Maurice Leclaire 2017
Noah Bergbauer Modelling Wireless Communication Channels BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2017
Thuy Tran Development of a Demonstrator for a Wireless Cyber-Physical Network IDP Sebastian Gallenmüller, Maurice Leclaire, Stephan M. Günther 2017
Nikita Basargin Implementation of a Demonstration System for a Wireless Cyber-Physical Network IDP Sebastian Gallenmüller, Maurice Leclaire, Stephan M. Günther 2017
Tobias Betz Open-Source Cyber-Physical Network Infrastructure MA Maurice Leclaire, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2017
Simon Klimek An empirical approach towards analysis of discussions on mailing lists BA Daniel Raumer, Heiko Niedermayer 2017
Boonyakorn Jantaranuson Analysis of Social Networks in IETF Mailing Lists MA Daniel Raumer, Heiko Niedermayer 2017
Michael Mitterer Applicability and Performance Analysis of Encrypted Databases for Smart Environments BA Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Marcel von Maltitz 2017
Sirus Shahbakhti Scalable Solution for the Protection of SSH using DNSSEC BA Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Lukas Schwaighofer 2017
Max von Tettenborn A Usable and Expressive Schema for Access Control MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz 2017
Jan Felix Hoops Federated Identity and Transaction Management over Blockchain II BA Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2017
Stefanos Georgiou A Trustworthy Process-Tracing System for B2B-Applications based on Blockchain Technology MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Sree Harsha Totakura, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer 2017
Valentin Hauner Trustworthy Configuration Management with Distributed Ledgers MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer 2017
Hendrik Leppelsack Experimental Performance Evaluation of Private Distributed Ledger Implementations MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Stefan Liebald 2017
Manuel Ehler Decentralized Feature Processing on Resource-Constrained Devices for Network Anomaly Detection MA Marcel von Maltitz, Stefan Liebald, Simon Bauer, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2017
Fabian Raab Influence of BGP Community Attributes on Routing and Internet Traffic IDP Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle, Christoph Dietzel 2017
Tobias Brunnwieser A Framework for Detection and Analysis of HTTPS Interception MA Oliver Gasser, Sree Harsha Totakura, Florian Wohlfart 2017
Max Helm Traceable Measurement Result Publication in Append-only Ledgers MA Oliver Gasser, Benjamin Hof, Quirin Scheitle 2017
Emanuel Vintila Continuous Development of Open Source C++ Flow Toolkit HiWi Oliver Gasser, Johannes Naab 2017
Jan-Philipp Lauinger Evaluating Client Discrimination in Anonymization Networks Using Active Network Scans Forschungspraxis Oliver Gasser, Sree Harsha Totakura 2017
Hendrik Eichner Revisiting SSH Security in the Internet BA Oliver Gasser, Minoo Rouhi 2017
Max Helm Evaluating TLS Certificate Transparency Logs using Active Scans IDP Oliver Gasser, Benjamin Hof 2017
Leandro Vaz Compiling P4 to Lua MA Paul Emmerich, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2017
Thomas Mauerer Chairman: Software Support for the Management of Student Projects MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz 2017
Felix Lampe Evaluation of IP Communication in FPGA-based Camera Platforms MA Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dr. Alexander Mann (Arri) 2017
Maximilian Pudelko A User Space VirtIO Driver GR Paul Emmerich 2017
Maximilian Pudelko Payload Extraction for Flows with Anomalous TTL Behaviour IDP Quirin Scheitle, Paul Emmerich 2017
Markus Sosnowski Internet-Wide Assessment of TCP Options BA Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Minoo Rouhi, Paul Emmerich, Dominik Scholz 2017
Thomas Bachmaier Scanning for TCP SYN Proxy Implementations BA Dominik Scholz, Paul Emmerich, Quirin Scheitle, Minoo Rouhi 2017
Krzysztof Lesiak DDoS Mitigation in the Linux Kernel with XDP BA Dominik Scholz, Paul Emmerich 2017
Benedikt Jaeger Evaluation of TCP BBR mixed with other Congestion Avoidance Algorithms MA Dominik Scholz, Lukas Schwaighofer, Daniel Raumer, Fabien Geyer 2017
Yasar Kücukkaya Measurement and Analysis of Traffic of Mobile Apps BA Heiko Niedermayer 2017
Alexander Frank MoonGen - Vergleich zwischen Mellanox und Intel Netzwerkkarten BA Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz 2017
Jonatan Juhas Developing a Virtualized Measurement Testbed BA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz 2017
Dominik Durner Verteilte Netzwerk-Funktionen in einem Flugzeugkabinennetzwerk BA Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2017
Sebastian Bruhn An Analysis of Linux Firewall Performance BA Daniel Raumer, Lukas Schwaighofer, Johannes Naab 2017
Bastian Hofmann Benchmarking of Docker-based Network Functions BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2017
Christoph Kecht TUMexam – Administration Interface BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab 2017
Nicolas Appel Development and Evaluation of Radio Transceivers for the CubeSat MOVE-II MA Maurice Leclaire, Dr.-Ing. Stephan M. Günther, Martin Langer 2017
Benedikt Engeser Informed Route Selection Strategies for Multipath Routing MA Heiko Niedermayer, Sree Harsha Totakura 2016
Julien Schmidt Active Probing and Deep Packet Inspection Detection Resistant Tunnelling Through HTTPS Connections BA Sree Harsha Totakura 2016
Hugues Fafard Secure Port-Knocked Communications BA Sree Harsha Totakura 2016
Daniel Sel Authenticated Scalable Port-Knocking BA Sree Harsha Totakura, Heiko Niedermayer 2016
Florian Gratzer Voice Controlled Smart Spaces BA Marc-Oliver Pahl, Stefan Liebald 2016
Johannes Schleger Understanding the State of SSL/TLS Interception IDP Florian Wohlfart 2016
Johannes Fischer Browser-based Internet connection testing MA Florian Wohlfart, Oliver Gasser 2016
Jonas Heintzenberg Browser-based Internet connection testing BA Florian Wohlfart, Oliver Gasser 2016
Simon Sternsdorf Performance Analysis of Middlebox Functionality BA Florian Wohlfart 2016
Sven Hertle Analysis of cellular ISP networks MA Florian Wohlfart 2016
Martin Steil Comparison of Windows and Linux Networking Performance IDP Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2016
Adrian Reuter A Workbench to analyze X.509 in Applications BA Matthias Wachs 2016
Frieder Baumann Privacy Implications of mDNS BA Matthias Wachs 2016
Moritz Kellermann Email in the Wild - Analyzing Email Security on the Internet BA Matthias Wachs 2016
Stefan Fochler DANE in the Wild - Analyzing DANE Deployment on the Internet IDP Matthias Wachs, Quirin Scheitle 2016
Martin Schanzenbach Design and Implementation of a Censorship Resistant and Fully Decentralized Name System MA Matthias Wachs 2016
Linus Lotz Design and Implementation of a Secure and Privacy-Preserving Notification Service for Mobile Platforms M.Sc. Matthias Wachs 2016
Valentin Hauner Improving Interoperability of a Secure Directory Service using LDAP, SKS and DANE IDP Matthias Wachs 2016
Aleksejs Voroncovs Investigation of tool based modeling techniques for safety and security critical systems MA Stephan-A. Posselt 2016
Simon Wagner High-Performance Userspace TCP Stacks: Evaluation and Analysis MA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich 2016
Benedikt Jaeger Hendrik Leppelsack TUMexam – Entwicklung einer Browser-basierten Nutzerschnittstelle zur digitalen Verwaltung von Prüfungen IDP Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Johannes Naab 2016
Jonas Andre TUMexam – Entwicklung einer Datenbank zur elektronischen Prüfungsverwaltung BA Stephan M. Günther, Johannes Naab, Maurice Leclaire 2016
Markus Alexander Teich An Implementation of Privacy Preserving Auction Protocols MA Christian Grothoff, Sree Harsha Totakura 2016
Maximilian Meier Enabling OpenPGP in Multi-Device Environments B.Sc. Matthias Wachs 2016
Daniel Straub Design and Implementation of a Secure Directory Service for Digital Certificates M.Sc. Matthias Wachs 2016
Michael Schollerer Mail-Security in der Cloud in Großkonzernen am Beispiel BMW Mail MA Quirin Scheitle, Matthias Wachs 2016
Paulin Tchonin TTL Analysis for DDoS Defense MA Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Paul Emmerich 2016
Ganesh Bala Subramanian Real-time Congestion Detection in the Internet MA Edwin Cordeiro 2016
Patrick Sattler Parsing geographical locations from DNS names IDP Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser 2016
Patrick Sattler Parsing geographical locations from DNS names GR Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser 2016
Maximilian Pudelko Comparison of Queuing Data Structures for Traffic Analysers BA Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2016
Oliver Schmidt P4: A Programming Language for Packet Processing BA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz 2016
Tizian Sarre Popularity over time - Analysis of Videos on Youtube BA Heiko Niedermayer 2016
Dominik Schöffmann Modern Router Architectures GR Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich 2016
Dominik Schöffmann Comparison of Packet IO Frameworks for Test Tools BA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich 2016
Frank Schmidt Large Scale DNS Scanner in Go MA Johannes Naab, Oliver Gasser 2016
Chris Hanselmann Implementation and Evaluation of a Client Controlled Multipath Proxy BA Daniel Raumer, Quirin Scheitle 2016
Florian Wiedner MoonGUI - Live Evaluation of Network Tests BA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich 2016
Christoph Schwarzenberg A System for Evaluation of Network Experiments in Multiuser Testbeds IDP Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2016
Christoph Schwarzenberg A Data Analysis and Visualization Framework for Scientific Workflow Support BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2016
Elias Tatros Live Monitoring of Network Experiments IDP Daniel Raumer 2016
Jan Weicker Performance Comparison of Virtual Switching on Windows and Linux Systems MA Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2016
Michael Remmler Entwicklung eines OpenFlow-Switch Benchmarks MA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2016
Elias Hazboun Investigating Mobile Messaging Security 2 - How strong is WhatsApp/Threema/... transport security? IDP Matthias Wachs, Quirin Scheitle 2016
Denis Huber SOME/IP Test Framework for HiL-Simulators MA Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Stephan-A. Posselt 2016
Nikolai Schwellnus Datamining on IETF data IDP Heiko Niedermayer, Daniel Raumer, Edwin Cordeiro 2016
Nikolai Schwellnus A Heat Map for IETF Standardization Activities BA Daniel Raumer, Heiko Niedermayer, Edwin Cordeiro 2016
Kerem Saka Implementing I2RS for Quagga BA Edwin Cordeiro 2016
Daniel Kowatsch Implementing and analysing I2RS in a SDN BA Edwin Cordeiro 2016
Jagjit Singh Test the Cloud - Evaluate tools for 40 Gbit Networks BA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich 2016
Elias Hazboun Applicability and Performance Analysis of Encrypted Databases for Smart Environments MA Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz 2016
Stefan Smarzly Employment and Evaluation of Secure Multi-Party Computation for Privacy-Preserving Services in Smart Buildings MA Marcel von Maltitz, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2016
Thomas Mauerer A multi-tenant and privacy-preserving information processing system BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz, Johann Schlamp 2016
Marko Dorfhuber Information Collection for Temporal Variation Analysis on Networks BA Nadine Herold, Matthias Wachs, Stefan Liebald 2016
Christoph Rudolf Automated Planning, Setup and Configuration for Scientific Testbed Environments BA Nadine Herold, Matthias Wachs, Stefan Liebald 2016
Pirmin Blanz IPv6 TLS Security Scanning MA Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle 2016
Nadja Schricker Active Security Evaluation with Network Scans BA Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle 2016
Michael Köpferl Evaluation of amplification attacks in large-scale networks to improve detection performance IDP Oliver Gasser, Stefan Metzger 2016
Jakob Bachhuber Confidential mail: improving email security with network measurements MA Ralph Holz 2016
Tobias Betz Development of a hardware-abstraction layer for the Baltikum test framework IDP Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer 2016
Simon Bauer Increasing Application Performance with SR-IOV IDP Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer 2016
Fabian Kaiser Performance analysis of SnabbSwitch with emulated network function chains BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2016
Bernhard Metz Throughput and Latency in Cloud-benchmarking BA Daniel Raumer 2016
Adrian Weis Measuring and Modelling the Performance of OpenStack BA Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2016
Simon Bauer Network function chaining: configuration guidelines for optimal performance MA Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich 2016
Erkin Kirdan Traffic shaping and policing with DPDK GR Paul Emmerich, Dominik Scholz, Daniel Raumer 2016
Simon Leber Tracking down the CPU consumption for Linux Traffic Control BA Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Dominik Scholz 2016
Franz-Niclas Muschter Implementation of a Wide-band Spectrum Analyzer using GNU Radio BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire 2016
Markus Dausch Measurement and Analysis of Traffic of Mobile Apps MA Heiko Niedermayer, Quirin Scheitle 2016
Oliver R. Broome A Digital Wallet Implementation for Anonymous Cash BA Sree Harsha Totakura 2015
Julius Bünger Implementation and Evaluation of Brahms in the GNUnet Framework BA Bartolomiej Polot, Sree Harsha Totakura 2015
Markus Alexander Teich Group OTR and its Use-Cases IDP Sree Harsha Totakura 2015
Minoo Rouhi Vejdani Comparing IPv4 and IPv6 hosts and paths in the Internet MA Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Paul Emmerich 2015
Johann Schöpfer Userspace TCP Stacks BA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Paul Emmerich 2015
Max von Tettenborn Integrating Coded Feedback with the ORB Protocol GR Maurice Leclaire, Stephan M. Günther 2015
Karthik Mathiazhagan Performance Analysis of SnabbSwitch IDP Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2015
Sven Hertle Smart Meter - Energy Measurement in Data Centers IDP Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Florian Wohlfart 2015
Pranav Jagdish Design and Implementation of a Management Service for Digital Certificates M.Sc. Matthias Wachs 2015
Dario Banfi Endpoint-transparent multipath in Software Defined Networks MA Ralph Holz 2015
Jay Shah Implementation and Performance Analysis of Firewall on Open vSwitch IDP Cornelius Diekmann, Florian Wohlfart 2015
Johannes Zirngibl Mobile Messaging Security - Who can read your messages? B.S. Quirin Scheitle, Matthias Wachs 2015
Thomas Kuehner Mobile Device Localization - A Provider’s Perspective MA Quirin Scheitle, Johann Schlamp 2015
Roman Leuprecht Automated Analysis of Wireless Communication Protocols via Software Defined Radio BA Quirin Scheitle, Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire 2015
Till Wickenheiser Correlating inbound Time to Live header data to network characteristics BA Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Paul Emmerich, Felix von Eye 2015
Arno Hilke Advancing malicious packet detection through inbound Time to Live headers BA Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Paul Emmerich, Felix von Eye 2015
Christian Sturm Detection of malicious packets through inbound Time to Live headers BA Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Felix von Eye 2015
Tim Schmidt Detecting Abuse of Abandoned Internet Resources BA Johann Schlamp, Quirin Scheitle 2015
Patrick Sattler Parsing geographical locations from DNS names BA Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Johannes Naab 2015
Michael Peter Modelling a Secure IT Infrastructure based on BSI IT Baseline Protection MA Stephan-A. Posselt, Nadine Herold, Andreas Paul, Martin Uhl 2015
Clemens Paul Modellierung und Anwendung von Redundanz MA Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt 2015
Michael Domke DNS in a Box – Testing for Reproducible Network Scans BA Johannes Naab, Oliver Gasser 2015
Katharina Rudert Botnet Detection using Machine Learning on Flow Data MA Johannes Naab, Oliver Gasser 2015
Andreas Loibl Measurement Proxy for distributed Network Measurements BA Johannes Naab, Oliver Gasser 2015
Dominik Scholz Protocol Stacks for Packet Generators: A Dynamic Approach IDP Paul Emmerich 2015
Sina Shafaei Performance Evaluation of Mobile Network Components IDP Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2015
Lukas Wieditz Testing and Validating Tests for Reproducible Experiments BA Paul Emmerich, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2015
Rainer Schönberger A Modular Software Router based on DPDK MA Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2015
Lukas Märdian Automatic verification of RF equipment with off-the-shelf hardware MA Daniel Raumer 2015
Thomas Schultz A Test Bench for SDN Device Certification MA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Paul Emmerich 2015
Stefan Kreuzer Automation of Virtual Machine Setups for Network Experiments BA Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2015
Patrick Werneck Network Device Benchmarking Framework BA Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2015
Lukas Märdian Accelerating Network Applications with NIC Offloading IDP Daniel Raumer 2015
Marcel Sütterlin Analysis of the FreeBSD Network Stack Performance BA Sebastian Gallenmüller, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2015
Dominik Scholz Component Interaction Models for Linux-based Network Systems GR Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich 2015
Daniel Krieger Comparison of the Windows Network Stack Performance with Linux BA Daniel Raumer, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2015
Christian Lübben Implementing an Attack Framework for Generating Test Data Sets for Intrusion Detection Systems IDP Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt 2015
Maurice Leclaire Distributed Opportunistic Routing in Bidirectionally Coded Wireless Networks MA Stephan M. Günther 2015
Sebastian Kiwus Botnet-Evaluierung und Botnet-Erkennung BA Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt 2015
Richard Kaufhold Konzepte zur Priorisierung von Alarmen in heterogenen IDS-Umgebungen MA Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt 2015
Dmitry Chokovski Comparing IPv4 and IPv6 Latency on the Internet BA Paul Emmerich, Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser 2015
Daniel Hugenroth HRTP: A Broadcast-Based System for Unobservable Internet Telephony MA Advisor: Lukas Schwaighofer, Supervisor: Prof. Georg Carle 2015
Andreas Kammerloher Address Resolution and Key Management for a Distributed Communication Underlay BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz 2015
Besjan Saidi User controlled privacy settings for Smart Environments BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz 2015
Lawrence Krug A system for giving practical advice for energy saving based on sensor information BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz, Johann Schlamp 2015
Arved Baus A Feedback System for Smart Buildings BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz, Johann Schlamp 2015
Jakob Leitmeir Privacy-preserving Data Combination in Smart Environments BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz 2015
Benjamin Schöntag Integrating Voice over IP into a privacy friendly network underlay BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Marcel von Maltitz 2015
Christian Brosche A modular framework for a collaborative solution for privacy-preserving network communication BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Marcel von Maltitz 2015
Sebastian Vogl Privatheitsprobleme von Datenmodellen im intelligenten Gebäudeumfeld BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Marcel von Maltitz 2015
Max Helm Konzeption eines Systems zur Erkennung von Sicherheitsverletzungen in Netzwerken BA Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt 2015
Stefan Aicher Identification and Privacy Aspects for a Digitally-supported Examination Process BA Stephan M. Günther, Johannes Naab, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2015
Kaloyan Zdravkov Data Management for a Digitally-supported Examination Process BA Stephan M. Günther, Johannes Naab, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2015
Martin Riedel Development of a Spectrum Analyzer based on the HackRF BA Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire, Quirin Scheitle 2015
Zhechko Zhechev Asymmetric Route Detection using Return TTLs BA Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle 2015
Sebastian Gebhard IPv6 Scanning - Smart Address Selection and Comparison to Legacy IP MA Oliver Gasser, Quirin Scheitle 2015
Felix Emmert Messung und Evalution der Verbreitung von IPMI-Geräten mit aktiven Scans BA Oliver Gasser 2015
Michael Köpferl Effective Visualization of Amplification Attacks in Amplifier Networks BA Oliver Gasser, Felix von Eye 2015
Fabian Raab Modeling and Analysis of BGP Community Attributes BA Oliver Gasser, Johann Schlamp 2015
Albert Khakimullin Real-time Amplification Attack Detection IDP Oliver Gasser, Felix von Eye 2015
Victor Sosa Large-scale Flow Collection IDP Oliver Gasser 2015
Stefan Fochler Optimization of Quality Criteria by using Overlay Networks in the Internet BA Stephan-A. Posselt, Johann Schlamp, Nadine Herold 2015
Simon Stempfhuber Visualisierung von Temperaturzonen in Rechenzentren BA, IDP Paul Emmerich, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2015
Marcel Schumacher Efficient Broadcast Schemes for Wireless Mesh Networks BA Maurice Leclaire, Stephan M. Günther 2015
Florian Dold Generic Boot Loader and Software Deployment for Heterogeneous Networks IDP Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire 2015
Martin E. Jobst Packet Delay Smoothing for Coded Wireless Networks IDP Stephan M. Günther 2015
Simon Bauer Evaluation of Port Scanners and Port Scan Detection Tools BA Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt 2015
Peter Pfrommer Evaluation of High-Performance Packet IO for Servers based on Commodity Hardware BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2015
Max Liebkies Extension of a DNS scanner and conduction of large-scale DNS scans MA Johannes Naab, Ralph Holz 2014
Stefan König Scanning and Analysing the DNS for local and temporal Influences MA Johannes Naab, Ralph Holz 2014
Florian Scheibner Control Flow Analysis for Event-Driven Programs BA Sree Harsha Totakura 2014
Timm Böttger Amplification Attack Detection MA Oliver Gasser, Lothar Braun, Felix von Eye 2014
Omar Tarabai Decentralized and Autonomous Anomaly Detection Infrastructure for Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Networks MA Matthias Wachs 2014
Jan Seeger A scientific workbench with unified access to measurement data MA Ralph Holz, Johann Schlamp 2014
Leonhard Rabel Measurement-Based Analysis of Public Peering at Internet Exchange Points MA Johann Schlamp 2014
Mathieu Airault Design and implementation of a scientific game based on mobile network measurements GR Johann Schlamp 2014
Oliver Feldmann Crowd-based Weak Point Analysis of Cellular Network Coverage MA Johann Schlamp 2014
Tanmay Chaudhry Monitoring in SDNs IDP Lukas Schwaighofer, Daniel Raumer 2014
Milad Khanibeik Management of Services in Smart Spaces MA Marc-Oliver Pahl 2014
Zubair Hafeez A Case Study of Software Defined Networking (SDN) Deployments MA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2014
Tobias Betz Scientific Workflow Optimization in Networking Testbeds BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Paul Emmerich 2014
Tobias Weiher Robustness and Performance of Online Game Server Infrastructure BA Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer 2014
Linus Lotz Energy Efficiency of Software Routers IDP Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2014
Felix Lampe Scaling of Future Software Router Architectures BA Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer, Paul Emmerich 2014
Lukas Erlacher Temporal Behavior of PC-based Packet Processing MA Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2014
Stefan Edinger QoS-differentiation in Software Routers BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, Paul Emmerich 2014
Simon Gallitscher Performance Evaluation of Software-based Packet Processing in Commodity Routers BA Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2014
Sebastian Gallenmüller Comparison of Memory Mapping Techniques for High-Speed Packet Processing MA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2014
Paul Emmerich A Performance Analysis of Open vSwitch MA Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer 2014
Christian Fuchs Network Delay Measurements with Commodity Hardware BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2014
Dominik Scholz A Model for Performance Prediction in PC-based Packet Processing Systems BA Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer 2014
Michael Gielesberger Network Monitoring with OpenFlow MA Lothar Braun 2014
Nils Mäurer Efficient scans of large research networks BA Ralph Holz, Oliver Gasser 2014
Christian Lübben Erstellung von Testdatensätzen für Intrusion Detection Systeme BA Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt 2014
Matthias Jaros Deployment and orchestration of network measurements using the PlanetLab testbed BA Ralph Holz, Oliver Gasser 2014
Florian Baumann Anonyme Autorisierung in Smart Environments BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz 2014
Benedikt Peter A Privacy-Preserving Architecture for a Smart Building Control System MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Marcel von Maltitz 2014
Sebastian Rückerl Presence Detection using passive WLAN measurements BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer 2014
Sebastian Bendeich Datenmodelle und Konfliktlösung im intelligenten Gebäudeumfeld MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer, Marcel von Maltitz 2014
Max von Tettenborn Permission-aware Resolution of Human-readable Identifiers and Connectivity Establishment in Smart Environments BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer 2014
Charis-Nicolas Georgiou Response-aware Event Aggregation for Policy Enhancement BA Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt 2014
Michael Dorner Evaluation of Metrics for the Link Quality of Asymmetric Wireless Channels IDP Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire 2014
Christian Dietz moep80211kptm IDP Stephan M. Günther, Maximilian Riemensberger 2014
Lukas Erlacher Benedikt Peter Further Development of the moep80211 Coded Wireless Mesh Network IDP Stephan M. Günther, Maurice Leclaire 2014
Rafael Fedler Development of a Network Alert Correlator and Framework IDP Nadine Herold, Stephan-A. Posselt 2014
Nicolas Appel Design of a network protocol stack for the CubeSat MOVE2 BA Stephan-A. Posselt 2014
Sibi Antony Privacy-Preserving Distributed Encrypted Data Storage and Retrieval MA Marc-Oliver Pahl 2013
Carl Denis Model-Based Analysis of Industrial Control Systems MA Lothar Braun, Cornelius Diekmann, Tobias Limmer 2013
Johann Dichtl Enhancement of the Web-based User Interface for ACMP SEP Marc-Oliver Pahl 2013
Oliver Gasser Monitoring Command-and-Control Channels with ccSpy IDP Lothar Braun 2013
Björn Korth Intelligent Distributed Metering Diplomarbeit (Uni-Bremen) Marc-Oliver Pahl 2013
Fabian Oehlmann Machine Learning Based Ressource Allocation for P2P Networks M.Sc. Matthias Wachs 2013
Steve Walter Development and Evaluation of an Energy Saving Function for LTE SON MA Tsvetko Tsvetkov 2013
Benjamin Braun Measurement-based Analysis of Wired and Mobile Internet Topologies BA Johann Schlamp 2013
Christian Eckert An Early Warning System for AS Hijacking MA Johann Schlamp 2013
Thomas Pieronczyk Visual Analysis of Anonymized Wifi Data MA Johann Schlamp 2013
Sebastian Scheibner Active Detection of IP Prefix Hijacking BA Johann Schlamp 2013
Timo Lamprecht Visual analysis of anonymized location and movement data BA Johann Schlamp 2013
Friederike Thun Measuring asymmetric Internet paths MA Johann Schlamp, Stephan M. Günther 2013
Michael Faath Analysis of content delivery networks with an Android-based measurement framework MA Johann Schlamp 2013
Daniel Kraffner Added value for mobile users based on crowd intelligence data collected with MeasrDroid BA Johann Schlamp 2013
Dhyan Blum An analysis of the mobile Internet based on Android measurement nodes BA Johann Schlamp 2013
Peter Gawronski Measuring the performance of network flows BA Lukas Schwaighofer, Daniel Raumer 2013
Peter Schaab Open Flow for QoS-Monitoring BA Lukas Schwaighofer, Daniel Raumer 2013
Alexander Schubert Resource Mapping for Network Experiments BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2013
Alexander Mildner Beyond RFC 2544: A Framework for Device Benchmarking BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2013
Syed Rizvi Software Defined Networking (SDN) for ISP Networks MA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2013
Robert Schmidpeter On the Trail of Packets in PC-based Packetprocessing Systems BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2013
Denis Huber A Toolbox for Scientific Workflow Management in Network Measurement Projects BA Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer 2013
Omar Tarabei A pen-testing framework for the Munich Research Network IDP Ralph Holz 2013
Rupert Schneider Resource Depletion und Denial of Service Angriffe auf Xen und KVM BA Holger Kinkelin, Heiko Niedermayer 2013
Michael Dorner Establishing Secure Communication for (Virtual) Machines using Java Smart Cards BA Holger Kinkelin, Nadine Herold 2013
Cornelius Diekmann Security Requirement Modeling as Configuration Management for Scenario-Specific Networks MA Holger Kinkelin, Dr. Heiko Niedermayer 2013
Simon Mittelberger Flexible and resilient services for user-centric identity management and access control MA Holger Kinkelin, Heiko Niedermayer 2013
Johannes Naab Scannning and Evaluating DNS Deployments in the Internet MA Oliver Gasser, Ralph Holz, Johann Schlamp 2013
Philip Wenger Bidirectional Data Queries with TinyIPFIX BA Corinna Schmitt, Heiko Niedermayer, Thomas Kothmayr 2013
Franz Saller Understanding Certificate Revocation: OCSP, CRLs, and data sets MA Ralph Holz 2013
Martin Herrmann An Extendable Link Layer Frame Format for Wireless Coded Mesh Networks BA Stephan M. Günther 2013
Florian Klein Development of a Distributed Measurement Infrastructure for a Wireless Coded Packet IDP Stephan M. Günther 2013
Markus Dauberschmidt Automated Protocol Reverse Engineering DA Lothar Braun 2012
Cuneyt Caliskan (KTH) Autonomous Placement and Migration of Services in Heterogeneous Environments MA Marc-Oliver Pahl 2012
Pavel Podkopajev (KTH) An App Store/ Market for the Home MA Marc-Oliver Pahl 2012
Cornelius Diekmann Adaptive Low-Level Packet Sampling for High-Speed Networks IDP Lothar Braun 2012
Florian Wohlfart Topology-based Traversal of Large Scale NATs MA Andreas Müller, Johann Schlamp 2012
Sebastian Mohr Dynamic traffic engineering in realistic multidomain and MPLS networks Diploma Thesis Benjamin Hof, Lukas Schwaighofer 2012
Quirin Scheitle Active Detection of BGP Prefix Hijacking DA Johann Schlamp 2012
Patrick de Boer An early warning system for BGP hijacking attacks MA Johann Schlamp 2012
Christian Meindl An analysis framework for cellular networks based on user-assisted measurements of the MeasrDroid infrastructure BA Johann Schlamp 2012
Axel Gerster MeasrDroid: Improving the user experience in cellular networks based on the evaluation of large-scale measurements on Android devices DA Johann Schlamp 2012
Daniel Baumann Assisted Integration of Heterogeneous Devices into Smart Spaces BA Marc-Oliver Pahl 2012
Thomas Szyrkowiec Secure Multi-Party Computation at Home MA Marc-Oliver Pahl 2012
Ahmed Sghaier Autoconfiguration of Emulated Networks BA Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart 2012
Thomas Schultz A Performance Analysis of PC-based Software Routers BA Florian Wohlfart, Daniel Raumer 2012
Robert Kulzer Host profiling based on remote measurements Master thesis Ralph Holz 2012
Oliver Gasser Conducting large-scale active and passive measurements of SSH deployments MA Ralph Holz 2012
Leon Winter A scanner for privacy-violating techniques on the WWW IDP Ralph Holz 2012
Andrey Uzunov A library and proxy for SPDY IDP Ralph Holz 2012
Maximilian Szengel Spontaneous Private Networking - Governed by Security Policies Master thesis Ralph Holz, Christian Grothoff, Bart Polot, Heiko Niedermayer 2012
Benedikt Peter Isolation Quality of Hypervisors BA Holger Kinkelin, Heiko Niedermayer 2012
Simon Stauber Hypervisor-based machine monitoring for securing network infrastructures DA Holger Kinkelin 2012
Martin Jobst Security and Privacy for Personalized Virtual Machine Images using Smart Cards BA Holger Kinkelin, Andreas Müller 2012
Paulo Henrique Azevêdo Filho User-friendly authorization mechanisms in smart building environments GR Holger Kinkelin 2012
Wenwen Chen Authentication and Authorization Methods for Resource-Constrained Embedded Device MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2012
Martin Keßler Dynamic Multi-path Link-layer Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks BA Stephan M. Günther 2012
Maurice Leclaire Rate Control Algorithms for Wireless Mesh Networks BA Stephan M. Günther 2012
Jan Schalkmap Efficient Link-layer Acknowledgements and Retransmits in Wireless Messy networks BA Stephan M. Günther 2012
Lukas Erlacher Link-layer Forward Error Correction in Wireless Mesh Networks BA Stephan M. Günther 2012
Philipp Lowack Key Management and Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks MA Corinna Schmitt, Heiko Niedermayer 2012
Irfan Basha Privacy Crawler MA Ralph Holz 2012
Tsvetko Tsvetkov Optimization of P2P Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks MA Alexander Klein 2012
Elias Tatros Evaluation of Different Caching Strategies for YouTube - Multimedia Content BA Alexander Klein, Heiko Niedermayer 2012
Florian Buchmaier Dynamic Traffic Shaping in Linux BA Stephan M. Günther 2012
Alexander Rickett IP-based Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks MA Alexander Klein 2012
Thomas Oberwallner Implementation and Evaluation of Mobility Models with OPNET MA Alexander Klein 2012
Simon Mittelberger A Home Certification Authority for AutHoNe based on Trusted Computing Technology SEP Holger Kinkelin 2012
Sebastian Bendeich Privacy aware Middlebox for IPv6 based on NAT66 BA Andreas Müller 2012
Ferdinand Mayet Passive Operating System Fingerprinting MA Lothar Braun 2011
Philip Lorenz IPFIX- und OLSR-Monitoring in Wireless Mesh Networks MA Lothar Braun 2011
Deniz Ugurlu Home Network User Interfaces BA Heiko Niedermaier, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2011
Martin Riedl Self-Optimizing User-Interfaces for Autonomous Environments DA (FH) Marc-Oliver Pahl 2011
Markus Sieber Online Anomaly Detection for Internet Services Masterarbeit Ali Fessi, Heiko Niedermayer 2011
Simon Wagner User-assisted analysis of cellular network structures BA Johann Schlamp 2011
Lukas Schwaighofer Building resilient network services using IP anycast MA Johann Schlamp, Ali Fessi 2011
Benjamin Hof Optimization techniques for large-scale traceroute measurements MA Johann Schlamp 2011
Mathias Helminger Interactive visualization of global routing dynamics BA Johann Schlamp 2011
Christian Ruppert Reducing visual complexity of graphs with edge bundling BA Johann Schlamp 2011
Michael Gielesberger Measurement-based strategies for discovering active Internet hosts BA Johann Schlamp 2011
Sebastian Rampfl Analysis and visualization of BGP routing dynamcics BA Johann Schlamp 2011
Jochen Ritzel Wide Area Virtual Machine Migration based on Application Layer End-to-End Mobility Bachelorarbeit Ali Fessi 2011
Thomas Riedmaier Turning the Tables - Hunting the SSL/TLS Men-in-the-Middle Master thesis Ralph Holz, Heiko Niedermayer 2011
Arne Wirtz Looking for SSH phishers, compromised hosts and weak keys Master thesis Ralph Holz, Marc Fouquet, Lothar Braun 2011
Simon Zimmermann PercoPastry: routing around failures Bachelor thesis Ralph Holz, Nils Kammenhuber 2011
David Ellermann Protecting against JavaScript-based attacks with signatures Bachelor thesis Ralph Holz, Heiko Niedermayer, Phillip Fehre 2011
Simon Dieterle Rapping their knuckles - monitoring X.509 certificate revocation Bachelor thesis Ralph Holz, Nils Kammenhuber, Lothar Braun 2011
Christian Liedl Sicherheitsanalyse fuer stark resourcenlimitierte Plattformen Zulassungsarbeit Corinna Schmitt 2011
Andre Freitag Framework Development for Wireless Sensor Networks facing Configuration and Information Exchange/Export Tasks BA Corinna Schmitt 2011
Benjamin Ertl Data Aggregation using TinyIPFIX in Wireless Sensor Networks BA Corinna Schmitt 2011
Thomas Kothmayr A Security Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks based on DTLS MA Corinna Schmitt, Wen Hu (CSIRO Australien) 2011
Sebastian Fischer Untersuchung von SPIT mit Hilfe von SIP-Honeypots Bachelor / Master / Diploma Thesis Lothar Braun 2011
Fabian Oehlmann Simulation of the Better Approach To Mobile Adhoc Networking (B.A.T.M.A.N.) Protocol BA Alexander Klein 2011
Christian Sternecker Implementation and Evaluation of Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks BA Alexander Klein 2011
Christian Dietz Simulative Performance Evaluation of the Collection Tree Protocol (CTP) BA Alexander Klein 2011
Konrad Windszus Auswirkung von asymetrischen Links auf die Leistungsfaehigkeit von Routingprotokollen in drahlosen Sensornetzen MA Alexander Klein, Corinna Schmitt 2011
Lukas Tillmann Kommunikationsstandards in Wireless Sensor Networks BA Alexander Klein, Corinna Schmitt 2011
Carl Denis Strategies for Hierarchical Knowledge Management BA Marc-Oliver Pahl 2010
Stefan Laner Erkennung und Identifizierung gängiger Angriffstypen anhand von Flow-Daten BA Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz 2010
Robert Kulzer Untersuchung und Vergleich von Client-Honeypots BA Lothar Braun 2010
Philipp Lowack Verteilte Untersuchung von Botnetzen BA Lothar Braun 2010
Franz Saller Dynamische Malware-Analyse mittels transparenter Emulation von Internet-Diensten BA Lothar Braun 2010
Oliver Gasser Implementierung und Analyse eines lastabhängigen Sampling-Verfahrens BA Lothar Braun 2010
Robert Franz Advanced Model Enhancement and Knowledge Store Concepts MA Marc-Oliver Pahl 2010
Andreas Scheibleger Classification of Traffic Flows using DPI BA Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz 2010
Rene Brogatzki A Knowledge-Proxy towards SNMP Bachelorarbeit Marc-Oliver Pahl 2010
Enrique Garcia Reference Implementation of an Autonomic Manager Bachelor Thesis (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexiko) Marc-Oliver Pahl 2010
Blaz Primc Authentisierende Adressierung in Netzwerken DA (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Marc-Oliver Pahl, Heiko Niedermayer, Holger Kinkelin, Andreas Müller 2010
Alexander Didebulidze Leistungsbewertung und Verbesserung des Packet-Capturings mit PC-Hardware Diplomarbeit Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz 2010
Malte Buck A Reliable Scalable Secure Knowledge-Distribution Overlay Diplomarbeit Marc-Oliver Pahl 2010
Kameliya Terzieva Export von Netzstatusinformationen aus WLAN-Routern mit IPFIX Bachelorarbeit Gerhard Münz, Andreas Müller 2010
Stephan M. Günther A formal model for constraint-based IP geolocation MA Johann Schlamp, Dirk Haage 2010
Andreas Flaig Interactive visualization of network topologies BA Johann Schlamp, Dirk Haage 2010
Florian Hartmann Design and implementation of a web application for visualizing Internet routes BA Johann Schlamp, Dirk Haage 2010
Stephan-A. Posselt Design of a Reliable, Fully Decentralized Software Transactional Memory Protocol Diploma thesis Georg Carle, Thomas Fuhrmann 2010
Deniz Ugurlu Understanding User Input in Home Networks Bachelor / Master / Diploma Thesis Heiko Niedermayer, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2010
Young Chul Jung Interaktion zwischen Angreifer und Verteidiger bei der DoS-Verteidigung virtueller Webserver Masterarbeit Marc Fouquet 2010
Alexander Wittmann Erkennung und Behandlung von DDoS-Angriffen in virtualisierten Umgebungen Bachelorarbeit Marc Fouquet 2010
Johanna Eicher Load Balancing for Systems which protects web-services from denial of service attacks (by using redirects) Bachelorarbeit Marc Fouquet, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2010
Wolfgang Zejda DoS-Verteidigung für Webserver Diplomarbeit / Masterarbeit Marc Fouquet, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2010
Sebastian Krebs Untersuchung von DNS-Verkehr durch passive Verkehrsmessungen BA Lothar Braun 2010
Gürcan Karakoc Ein Mechanismus für nutzerzentriertes Identitäts- und Vertrauensmanagement basierend auf sozialen Netzwerken DA Holger Kinkelin, Andreas Müller 2010
Dieter Panin Estimating performance parameters of future networks Bachelor thesis Nils Kammenhuber 2010
Jan Seeger Conducting and Analysing Eclipse Attacks on the Kad P2P Network (aMule/eMule) Bachelor thesis Ralph Holz 2010
Philipp Fehre Unterbrechungsfreie Relokalisierung von virtuellen Maschinen in einer Data-Center-Cloud Diplomarbeit Dirk Haage 2010
Julian Kirsch Maurice Leclaire Development of a PXE Boot Loader for the MOEP80211 Coded Wireless Mesh Network IDP Stephan M. Günther 2010
Sascha Päppinghaus Migration of Virtual Machines across the Internet Bachelor-Arbeit Ali Fessi, Marc Fouquet 2010
Tsvetko Tsvetkov Leistungsbewertung von Routingprotokollen in drahtlosen Sensornetzen BA Alexander Klein, Corinna Schmitt 2010
Thomas Kothmayr Datensammlung in Wireless Sensor Networks fuer Autonomic Home Networking BA Corinna Schmitt, Lothar Braun 2010
Yukun Huang Verkehrsklassifizierung mit Methoden des maschinellen Lernens Diplomarbeit Gerhard Münz, Lothar Braun 2010
Daniel Mentz Sichere und effiziente Übertragung von Verkehrsmessdaten Diplomarbeit Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz 2010
Benjamin Wiesmüller Untersuchung von TCP-Eigenschaften zur Rekonstruktion von Nachrichtenlängen Bachelorarbeit Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz 2009
Jose Valerio Knowledge-Plane Mechanisms for Home Automation by the Example of Location Based Services Master Thesis (Telecom SudParis) Marc-Oliver Pahl 2009
Alejandro Rodriguez User Interface Concepts for Home Networks Final year Project (UPF Barcelona) Marc-Oliver Pahl 2009
Frederik Fischer Konzeption eines Wissensoverlays zum autonomen Netzknotenmanagement Diplomarbeit Marc-Oliver Pahl 2009
Hui Dai Verkehrscharakterisierung anhand von Flow-Eigenschaften Diplomarbeit Lothar Braun, Gerhard Münz 2009
Enrique Garcia AutoInformations- und Konfigurationsservice SEP (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexico) Marc-Oliver Pahl 2009
Sven Wiebusch Entwicklung und Bewertung richtlinienbasierter Sicherheitskonzepte in spontanen virtuellen Netzen Diplomarbeit Ralph Holz, Heiko Niedermayer 2009
Michael Herrmann Privacy in Online-Sozialen-Netzen Semesterprojekt Heiko Niedermayer 2009
Christoph Eunicke Vertrauenswürdige Authentisierung durch die Verbindung von digitalen Ausweisen und TPM-fähigen Geräten Diplomarbeit Andreas Klenk, Holger Kinkelin 2009
Johann Schlamp Configuration Management via frequency analysis of synthetic load fluctuations Diplomarbeit Marc Fouquet, Heiko Niedermayer 2009
Christian Korscheck Optimierung von virtuellen privaten Netzen mit Peer-2-Peer-Technologien Studienarbeit Dirk Haage, Ralph Holz 2009
Rainer Boie Empirische Untersuchung von Angriffen auf strukturierte P2P-Netze Diplomarbeit Ralph Holz 2009
Benjamin Hof Simulation of Large Scale Failures in Kademlia IDP Ali Fessi 2009
Ralf Glauberman Security Extensions for the Kademlia P2P protocol Bachelor-Arbeit Ali Fessi 2009
Maximilian Vinokurov Ein SIP Auto-Konfigurationsdienst für sicheres VoIP DA Andreas Müller, Holger Kinkelin 2009
Tobias Heck An extension for TURN supporting multiple Service Categories Bachelorarbeit Andreas Müller 2009
Dominic Degel NAT-Traversal with DPWS Bachelorarbeit Andreas Müller 2009
Spaska Ivancheva Ein wissensbasierter SIP-Konfigurationsdienst für NAT-Traversal SEP Andreas Müller, Holger Kinkelin 2009
Alexander Ulrich Analyse und Visualisierung der Vertrauensbeziehungen in Web of Trust-Netzwerken Studienarbeit Ralph Holz 2009
Andreas Schaumeier Sichere Kommunikation in WSNs BA Corinna Schmitt 2009
Florian Wohlfart Implementation of a GUI for NAT-Traversal Bachelorarbeit Andreas Müller 2009
Thomas Riedmaier Sicheres Video Streaming mit DPWS Bachelorarbeit Andreas Müller 2009
Mustafa Issa Wireless Sensor Networks - Technologievergleich DA Corinna Schmitt 2009
Andreas Weis Bluetooth in future Home Networks SEP Andreas Müller, Holger Kinkelin 2009
Simon Stauber Vertrauenswuerdiges Network Access Control basierend auf Integritaetsmesswerten mit EAP-TNC SEP Holger Kinkelin, Corinna Schmitt 2009
Michael Bothmann Vertrauenswuerdige Auslieferung von Zertifikaten fuer Network Access Control mit EAP-(T)TLS SEP Holger Kinkelin, Corinna Schmitt 2009
Michael Gienger Optimierung von Overlays Diplomarbeit Dirk Haage 2008