Filip Rezabek

Research Associate

Postal address

  • Institut für Informatik der
  • Technischen Universität München
  • Lehrstuhl I8
  • Boltzmannstr. 3
  • 85748 Garching bei München - Germany


  • Tel: +49 89 289 18011
  • e-Mail:
    (GPG: 23C8 3F2C E0E0 A7F8 BBB6 9F7C B2DD 2373 B038 220C)
  • Building/Room: MI Building, 03.05.060

Consultation hours

By arrangement


Research topics

  • Network security
  • Trusted Execution Environments
  • Applied and threshold cryptography
  • System resilience
  • Distributed Ledger Technologies
  • Time-Sensitive Networking

Research projects

  • ACE-SUPPRA (Algorand Center of Excellence - Security, Usability, Performance, and Privacy Research in Algorand; from 08/2022)
  • VITAF (Vertrauenswürdige IT für autonomes Fahren (Trustworthy IT for autonomous driving); from 01/2019)


  • Since 2020: Teaching Assistant for P2P Networks and Security
  • Since 2020: Seminar "Innovative Internettechnologien und Mobilkommunikation (IITM)" (advisor)

About Me

After finishing the Master's thesis I joined the chair of Network Architectures and Services at Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2020. My main area of interest is IT and IoT Security, focusing on resilience, distributed systems, and applied cryptography.

I enjoy working with students in the form of seminar topics, thesis, and other projects. In case there is no posting of thesis/IDP, feel free to reach and we might figure something out;preferrebly in the areas of my research.

Supervised Theses

In progress

Student Title Type Advisors Year Links
Cem Denizsel Assessment of zk-EVM Attestations Approaches MA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas 2024
Aleksandar Vasilev Assessment of Transactions Ordering of First-Come-First-Serve Blockchains in the Wild MA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Burak Öz 2024
Murad Muradli Detection and Analysis of Cross-Chain Arbitrages Between Ethereum and Polygon MA Burak Öz, Filip Rezabek 2024
Thomas Wagner Quantifying Cross-Chain Rebalancing Arbitrage Between Ethereum and Polygon MA Burak Öz, Filip Rezabek 2024
Alexander Hölzl Realistic Digital Twin for Time-Sensitive Networking Experiments MA Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek 2024
Zafer Tan Cankiri Cyber-Physical Twin for Networking Used in Autonomous Driving MA Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek 2024
Anna Efa Assessment of Modern Identity Systems GR Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas 2024
Nicolas Buchner Assessment of TSN capabilities on Physical and Virtual Network Interfaces MA Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk 2024
Ilteber Ayvaci Data Collection Pipeline for Blockchain Platforms MA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas 2024
Eddie Groh Evaluation of Data Availability Sampling Schemes IDP Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek 2024
Veronika Bauer Evaluation of SNARK Generation Tools in Private Infrastructure IDP Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek 2024
David Wachtler Security and Privacy Characteristics of eIDAS Trust Services BA Stefan Genchev, Filip Rezabek 2024
Alexander Daichendt Secure User-Space Networking in Lightweight Virtual Machines Using TEEs IDP Florian Wiedner, Stefan Lachnit, Filip Rezabek, Jonas Andre 2024
Divij Malik Analysis and Optimization of Containerization Techniques towards Low-Latency BA Florian Wiedner, Filip Rezabek 2024
Ahmet Öztürk Atacan Iyidogan Graphical User Interface and Onboard Tool for Experiment Evaluation Framework IDP Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek 2023
Mostafa Abdelrahman Threshold Signatures for Digital Currency Payment Protocols MA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Franziska Kreitmair, Lars Hupel 2023
Shouvik Ghosh Parshant Singh Extension of the EnGINE Framework and Profiling Blockchains to Identify and Optimize Bottlenecks IDP Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022


Author Title Type Advisors Year Links
Simon Borowski Macro View on Smart Contracts and their Processing Overhead IDP Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Richard von Seck 2023
Ali Sabbagh Assessment of Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) Mitigation Techniques MA Filip Rezabek, Burak Öz 2023
Daniel Gockel Evaluation of State Channel Approaches on Smart Contract Platforms BA Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek 2023
Marc Sinner Design and Evaluation of a Decentralized Blockchain Ticketing System MA Filip Rezabek 2023
Phillip Kemper Assessment of ZK-EVM-based Rollups for Blockchain Scalability MA Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek 2023
Dennis Irrgang Interaction of Rate-Limited Network Interfaces with TSN Queuing Disciplines BA Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek 2023
Achraf Aroua Assessment of Ethereum after the Merge MA Filip Rezabek 2023
Tizian Leonhardt Private Computing on Permissionless Blockchains IDP Filip Rezabek 2023
Gopi Mehta Exploring Reputation Systems for Permissionless Blockchains MA Filip Rezabek 2023
Leonardo Fraquelli Assessment of Scalable Blockchain Solutions MA Filip Rezabek 2023
Reshma Vasudevan Threshold Cryptography Optimization using Time-Sensitive Networking MA Filip Rezabek 2023
Nina Schwanke Modeling Network Characteristics of Blockchain Protocols MA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Kilian Glas 2023
Nadeeshani William Eventually Consistent and Resilient CBDC System MA Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Peter Zeller 2023
Eric Brendel Scalable Off-Chain Computing on Data Streams using Trusted Execution Environments BA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Xinxin Fan 2023
Eber Christer Scalable Cloud-based Computing relying on Trusted Execution Environments BA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Dr. Xinxin Fan 2023
Dominik Pham Towards Trustless CA BA, MA Kilian Glas, Holger Kinkelin, Filip Rezabek 2023
Moritz Haid Impact of a TEE on QUIC Performance BA Marcel Kempf, Filip Rezabek, Johannes Zirngibl, Benedikt Jaeger 2023
Jonas Herz Secure light-weight low-latency virtual networking BA Florian Wiedner, Filip Rezabek 2023
Simon Borowski Structure and Performance of Smart Contracts in Different Ecosystems MA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Richard von Seck 2022
Andreas Kramer Performance Evaluation of Privacy Enhancing Infrastructure MA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022
Andrei-Cosmin Aprodu Providing Network Layer Privacy to Blockchain Protocols IDP Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022
Christoph Schnabl Private Group Management for Mix Networks BA Daniel Hugenroth, Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022
Ahmet Öztürk ECDSA Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ BA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2022
Nicolas Buchner Integration of OPC UA into a Reproducible Testbed Framework IDP Filip Rezabek, Max Helm, Benedikt Jaeger 2022
Johannes Pfannschmidt Feasibility Study of Threshold BLS Signature Scheme for Tamper-Resistance Signature Service BA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2022
Andrei Lebedev A Cross-Protocol Blockchain Benchmark System MA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2022
Timo Michael Saunus Software-based Security for Intellectual Property and Collaboration MA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Holger Kinkelin 2022
Justus von der Beek TEE Support for Digital Data Marketplaces IDP Filip Rezabek, Holger Kinkelin, Richard von Seck 2022
Roland Warta Monitoring of DetNet Flow Requirements BA Kilian Holzinger, Henning Stubbe, Filip Rezabek 2022
Atacan Iyidogan Implementing the “Hierarchical Link Sharing” Scheduling Algorithm for the INET Framework and OMNeT++ Simulator BA Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek 2022
Stefan Madzharov NFT Recommendation System and Behavior-Analysis of Distributed Ledger Systems using Transaction Data MA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Antonius Gress, Dominik Mueller 2022
Davide Alessi Integration of Security Protocols into an Intra-Vehicle Networks Communication System IDP Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk 2022
Johannes Abel Modeling and Simulation of TSN-Enabled Experiments and Their Validation in an Emulated Environment MA Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek, Max Helm 2022
Ibrahim Chanakkaleli Improving a Threat and Risk Analysis Tool with System Modeling and Network Mapping BA Filip Rezabek, Monika Maidl 2022
Jonas Kaps High-Performance Low-Latency Forward Error Correction Coding for Reliable Ethernet Communication MA Kilian Holzinger, Filip Rezabek 2022
Anna Wimbauer Role Based Qualified Electronic Signatures IDP Lars Wüstrich, Filip Rezabek 2022
Tin Raic Threshold Cryptography enabled QES MA Filip Rezabek, Lars Wüstrich 2022
Christian Kilb Analysis of Practical Permissionless PoS-based Consensus MA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2021
Aaron Huber Schnorr Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ BA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2021
Philip Höbler BLS Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ BA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2021
Michal Virgovic Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Threshold Decryption Schemes MA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2021
Kilian Glas Evaluation of Distributed Key Generation Approaches for Threshold ECDSA Signature Schemes MA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2021
Michael Haden Simulation of Time Sensitive Networking BA Kilian Holzinger, Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk 2021
Tizian Leonhardt Impact of Security Measures on PTP Synchronization Accuracy BA Filip Rezabek, Max Helm 2021
Paul Wiessner Emulation of Network Traffic for Applications in Autonomous Driving IDP Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk, Kilian Holzinger 2021
Chon Kit Kuok Dockerized Network Experiments Done Right MA Richard von Seck, Holger Kinkelin, Filip Rezabek 2021
Stefan Schrott Anonymization of Network Captures BA Lars Wüstrich, Filip Rezabek 2021
Johannes Abel Digital Twin for Time-Sensitive In-Vehicular Networks Using OMNeT++ Simulator and the INET Framework IDP Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek, Kilian Holzinger 2021
Nikolas Mühlbauer Evaluation of OPC UA PubSub over TSN MA Erkin Kirdan, Filip Rezabek, Thomas Paul, Marc-Oliver Pahl 2020
Achraf Aroua Feasibility of Static Path Redundancy for Real-Time Applications in Software BA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Holzinger, Thomas Paul, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Justus von der Beek Software Implementation of Path Duplication on Link Layer for Real-Time Traffic BA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Holzinger, Thomas Paul, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Leon Kist Performance Evaluation of Lightweight Transport Layer Security Protocols BA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Robert Junge A Tamper-Resistant Signature Services Based on Schnorr threshold signing MA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Sam Katala A Tamper-Resistant Signature Services Based on BLS threshold signing BA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Bohdan Hirnyak A Tamper-Resistant Signature Services Based on EDCSA threshold signing BA Filip Rezabek, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Raphael Schleithoff Lightweight Consensus for Distributed Certificate Issuance BA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Filip Rezabek 2020


2024-10-01 Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Georg Carle, “Thresh-Hold: Assessment of Threshold Cryptography in Leader-Based Consensus,” in To be published: 2024 IEEE 49th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Oct. 2024. [Bib]
2024-09-01 Filip Rezabek, Max Helm, Nicolas Buchner, Monika Smolarska, Benedikt Jaeger, Georg Carle, “Assessment of OPC UA PubSub at Scale using TSN Infrastructure and Network Calculus,” in 21st IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS 2024), Sep. 2024. [Bib]
2024-07-01 Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “On the Impact of Network Transport Protocols on Leader-Based Consensus Communication,” in Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure, Jul. 2024. Best Student Paper Award [Preprint] [Bib]
2024-03-01 Filip Rezabek*, Marcin Bosk*, Leander Seidlitz, Jörg Ott, Georg Carle, “Context Matters: Lessons Learned from Emulated and Simulated TSN Environments,” in 3rd International Workshop on Negative Results in Pervasive Computing (PerFail 2024), Biarritz, France, Mar. 2024. [Pdf] [Bib]
2024-01-01 Burak Öz, Jonas Gebele, Parshant Singh, Filip Rezabek, Florian Matthes, “Playing the MEV Game on a First-Come-First-Served Blockchain,” Jan. 2024. [Preprint] [Bib]
2023-11-01 Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Richard Von Seck, Achraf Aroua, Tizian Leonhardt, Georg Carle, “Multilayer Environment and Toolchain for Holistic NetwOrk Design and Analysis,” Nov. 2023. [Preprint] [Bib]
2023-11-01 Burak Öz, Filip Rezabek, Jonas Gebele, Felix Hoops, Florian Matthes, “A Study of MEV Extraction Techniques on a First-Come-First-Served Blockchain,” Nov. 2023. [Preprint] [Bib]
2023-06-01 Marcin Bosk*, Filip Rezabek*, Johannes Abel, Kilian Holzinger, Max Helm, Georg Carle, Jörg Ott, “Simulation and Practice: A Hybrid Experimentation Platform for TSN,” in 22nd International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Networking Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Jun. 2023. [Bib]
2023-03-01 Filip Rezabek*, Marcin Bosk*, Georg Carle, Jörg Ott, “TSN Experiments Using COTS Hardware and Open-Source Solutions: Lessons Learned,” in 2nd International Workshop on Negative Results in Pervasive Computing (PerFail 2023), Atlanta, USA, Mar. 2023. Best Paper Award [Pdf] [Slides] [Bib]
2022-12-01 Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Benedikt Jaeger, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “BFT-Blocks: The Case for Analyzing Networking in Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus,” in 2022 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Dec. 2022, vol. 21, pp. 35–44. [Preprint] [DOI] [Bib]
2022-11-01 Filip Rezabek, Max Helm, Tizian Leonhardt, Georg Carle, “PTP Security Measures and their Impact on Synchronization Accuracy,” in 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2022), Thessaloniki, Greece, Nov. 2022. [Pdf] [Bib]
2022-09-01 Marcin Bosk*, Filip Rezabek*, Kilian Holzinger, Angela G. Marino, Francesc Fons, Abdoul A. Kane, Jörg Ott, Georg Carle, “Methodology and Infrastructure for TSN-based Reproducible Network Experiments,” IEEE Access, Sep. 2022. [Url] [Pdf] [DOI] [Bib]
2022-09-01 Filip Rezabek*, Marcin Bosk*, Thomas Paul, Kilian Holzinger, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Angela Gonzalez, Abdoul Kane, Francesc Fons, Zhang Haigang, Georg Carle, Jörg Ott, “EnGINE: Flexible Research Infrastructure for Reliable and Scalable Time Sensitive Networks,” Journal of Network and Systems Management, vol. 30, no. 4, p. 74, Sep. 2022. [Url] [Pdf] [DOI] [Bib]
2021-11-01 Marcin Bosk, Filip Rezabek, Kilian Holzinger, Angela Gonzalez, Abdoul Kane, Francesc Fons, Zhang Haigang, Georg Carle, Jörg Ott, “Demo: Environment for Generic In-vehicular Network Experiments - EnGINE,” in 13th IEEE Vehicular Networking Confernce (VNC 2021), Ulm, Germany, Nov. 2021. [Pdf] [Bib]
2021-10-01 Filip Rezabek, Marcin Bosk, Thomas Paul, Kilian Holzinger, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Angela Gonzalez, Abdoul Kane, Francesc Fons, Zhang Haigang, Georg Carle, Jörg Ott, “EnGINE: Developing a Flexible Research Infrastructure for Reliable and Scalable Intra-Vehicular TSN Networks,” in 3rd International Workshop on High-Precision, Predictable, and Low-Latency Networking (HiPNet 2021), Izmir, Turkey, Oct. 2021. [Pdf] [Bib]