Richard von Seck

Research Associate

Postal address

  • Institut für Informatik der
  • Technischen Universität München
  • Lehrstuhl I8
  • Boltzmannstr. 3
  • 85748 Garching bei München - Germany


  • Tel: +49 89 289 - 18010
  • e-Mail:
    (GPG: 5A6F 9C53 5145 D48D 738E 3977 B1FB A648 B420 B9AC)
  • Building/Room: MI Building, 03.05.060

Consultation hours

By arrangement



  • Distributed Algorithms
  • Peer to Peer Networks


  • ACE-SUPPRA: Security, Usability, Performance, and Privacy Research on Algorand (2022 – 2027)
  • VITAF: Vertrauenswürdige IT für autonomes Fahren (Trustworthy IT for Autonomous Driving) (2019 – 2021)


  • Since SS 2019: Teaching Assistant for P2P Networks and Security
  • Since WS 2018: Teaching Assistant for Network Security
  • Since WS 2018: Seminar IITM and FI (advisor)

Supervised Theses

In progress

Student Title Type Advisors Year Links
Lukas Schröder Data Plane based Optimization for Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus MA Richard von Seck, Manuel Simon 2023
Shouvik Ghosh Parshant Singh Extension of the EnGINE Framework and Profiling Blockchains to Identify and Optimize Bottlenecks IDP Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022


Author Title Type Advisors Year Links
Simon Borowski Macro View on Smart Contracts and their Processing Overhead IDP Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Richard von Seck 2023
Simon Entholzer Congestion Control Evaluation for Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus MA Richard von Seck, Benedikt Jaeger, Kilian Glas 2023
Nina Schwanke Modeling Network Characteristics of Blockchain Protocols MA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Kilian Glas 2023
Lukas Bernwald Towards Consistency in Distributed REST API Caching MA Markus Sosnowski, Richard von Seck 2023
Nadeeshani William Eventually Consistent and Resilient CBDC System MA Kilian Glas, Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Peter Zeller 2023
Simon Borowski Structure and Performance of Smart Contracts in Different Ecosystems MA Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Richard von Seck 2022
Andreas Kramer Performance Evaluation of Privacy Enhancing Infrastructure MA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022
Andrei-Cosmin Aprodu Providing Network Layer Privacy to Blockchain Protocols IDP Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022
Christoph Schnabl Private Group Management for Mix Networks BA Daniel Hugenroth, Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck 2022
Ahmet Öztürk ECDSA Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ BA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2022
Christoph Probst Rust-based MASQUE-Proxying for Lower OSI-Layer Protocol Traffic MA Lion Steger, Richard von Seck 2022
Christoph Rotte C++-based MASQUE-Proxying for Lower OSI-Layer Protocol Traffic IDP Lion Steger, Richard von Seck 2022
Johannes Pfannschmidt Feasibility Study of Threshold BLS Signature Scheme for Tamper-Resistance Signature Service BA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2022
Timo Michael Saunus Software-based Security for Intellectual Property and Collaboration MA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Holger Kinkelin 2022
Justus von der Beek TEE Support for Digital Data Marketplaces IDP Filip Rezabek, Holger Kinkelin, Richard von Seck 2022
Stefan Madzharov NFT Recommendation System and Behavior-Analysis of Distributed Ledger Systems using Transaction Data MA Filip Rezabek, Richard von Seck, Antonius Gress, Dominik Mueller 2022
Christian Kilb Analysis of Practical Permissionless PoS-based Consensus MA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2021
Aaron Huber Schnorr Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ BA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2021
Philip Höbler BLS Signatures for Efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus in C++ BA Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek 2021
Chon Kit Kuok Dockerized Network Experiments Done Right MA Richard von Seck, Holger Kinkelin, Filip Rezabek 2021
Christoph Probst Robust UDP-based Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus BA Richard von Seck, Johannes Schleger 2020
Simon Schäffner Embedded Testbed for Reproducible Measurements IDP Richard von Seck, Sebastian Gallenmüller 2020
Lucas Fabian Mair Performance of UDP-based Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus BA Richard von Seck, Johannes Schleger 2020
Jakob Mezger Performance Analysis of BFT Consensus BA Johannes Schleger, Richard von Seck, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Twan Schoonen Decentral Trust Infrastructure based on Tamper-Evident Logs MA Johannes Schleger, Richard von Seck, Dr. Holger Kinkelin 2020
Christoph Rudolf Tamper-resistant creation of integrity tokens for trustworthy communication in cyber-physical systems MA Dr. Holger Kinkelin, Richard von Seck 2019
Christian Kilb Privacy-preserving VoIP Signaling with Secure Multiparty Computation BA Dr. Marcel von Maltitz, Richard von Seck 2019


2024-10-01 Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Georg Carle, “Thresh-Hold: Assessment of Threshold Cryptography in Leader-Based Consensus,” in To be published: 2024 IEEE 49th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Oct. 2024. [Bib]
2024-07-01 Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “On the Impact of Network Transport Protocols on Leader-Based Consensus Communication,” in Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Symposium on Blockchain and Secure Critical Infrastructure, Jul. 2024. Best Student Paper Award [Preprint] [Bib]
2023-11-01 Filip Rezabek, Kilian Glas, Richard Von Seck, Achraf Aroua, Tizian Leonhardt, Georg Carle, “Multilayer Environment and Toolchain for Holistic NetwOrk Design and Analysis,” Nov. 2023. [Preprint] [Bib]
2022-12-01 Richard von Seck, Filip Rezabek, Benedikt Jaeger, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, “BFT-Blocks: The Case for Analyzing Networking in Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus,” in 2022 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Dec. 2022, vol. 21, pp. 35–44. [Preprint] [DOI] [Bib]
2020-04-01 Holger Kinkelin, Richard von Seck, Christoph Rudolf, Georg Carle, “Hardening X.509 Certificate Issuance using Distributed Ledger Technology,” in NOMS 2020 - IEEE/IFIP Workshop DISSECT 2020, Budapest, Hungary, Apr. 2020. [Preprint] [Bib]