Past Projects

Predictive Analysis of Routing and Network flows for an Intelligent Network Management
The subordinate goal of the project PRIMEnet is the development of intelligent and inovative analytic processes for predictive assessments of the quality of service in complex communication networks.

6G Fundamental Research
The objectives of the 6G Future Lab Bavaria are the exploration of novel and fundamental mechanisms for 6G, the demonstration of their feasibility in a proof-of-concept realization, their preparation with repect to a 6G roadmap, and the definition of future-oriented research questions.

Scientific LargeScale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies – Starting Community
SLICES-SC aims to organise and engage the community around the users of digital science research infrastructures, and address the key issues for providing the infrastructure to a larger audience.

Model-based Analysis of Next-Generation Networks
ModANet covers various methods for performance analysis, e.g. resource-based models, models based on Network Calculus, and simulations. A framework for model evaluationis created, which allows for automated determination of the quality and scope of models. Calibration and evaluation of the analyzed models use machine learning techniques.

Artificial Intelligence for Performance
AI4Performance covers the analysis, modeling and evaluation of software network solutions, by proposing a new methodology for performance analysis and an experimental platform for the data collection, model validation and deployment of new network architectures. The project focuses on different levels of the packet processing stack.

Vertrauenswürdige IT für autonomes Fahren (Trustworthy IT for Autonomous Driving)
The vehicle of the future is a internally and externally highly networked computer system. Based on a plethora of sensor data, which are evaluated by complex algorithms, the car is able to temporarily take corrective actions or to drive autonomously for a longer period of time. The safety of an autonomous car now depends on the trustworthiness of the data collected by sensors. The protection of this sensor data is the aim of the VITAF project.

Measurements for Composable Performance Models of Cyber-Physical Network Components
The Moonshine project aims for a measurement-based approach towards composable models for cyber-pysical networked systems (CPNs), considering different wireless technologies and software stacks while employing modelling techniques such as stochastic network calculus.

Decentralized Anomaly Detection
Today's IT systems used by corporations a caracterized by a steadily growing number of computers and other devices. Furthermore, virtually all devices are connected via networks. Lastly, the complexity of dependencies between computers and services is growing. The named reasons make it difficult to understand, protect and maintain the functionality of computer networks already today.

Automatisiertes Performance-Monitoring
The AutoMon project studies and develops processes to provide cross-layer correlation of network monitoring data in enterprise networks. This allows to detect outages and disruptions in a timely fashion and identify their root causes. To this end the developed system executes automated and visually comprehensible outage analysis. The integrated business intelligence solution provides data for organizational planning and decision making.

Detection of Security Incidents at IXPs
The overall goal of X-Check (Cross-Check) is to provide improved security for ICT-systems by leveraging data from Internet Exchange Points (IXP). X-Check designs and implements a system for the large-scale detection of (a) known security incidents and (b) novel, unconventional anomalies at central Internet nodes.

Interface to the Routing System
I2RS facilitates real-time or event driven interaction with the routing system through a collection of protocol-based control or management interfaces.

SEcure Networking for a DATa Center Cloud in Europe
Within the SENDATE-PLANETS project, all project partners together will design a network architecture and technologies for secure and flexible distributed data centers in close collaboration. The target is to develop security mechanisms for NFV/SDN networks as well as set up, develop, and optimize VNFs and their placement in distributed data centers.

Cost Action on Resilient Communication Services Protecting End-user Applications from Disaster-based Failures
Cost Action on Resilient Communication Services Protecting End-user Applications from Disaster-based Failures

Safe and Privacy-Friendly Cloud Infrastructures
Cloud infrastructures raise concerns regarding privacy, integrity, and security of offsite data. This project employs privacy-by-design techniques using novel developments from cryptography to ensure that these concerns are technically addressed.

Systemic Security for Critical Infrastructures
Entwicklung einer ganzheitlichen Lösung zur Verbesserung der Schutzsysteme für Kritische Infrastrukturen

Building as a Service
The BaaS project aims to manage cross-domain control functions in buildings. Due to the isolation of automation systems, this is not available yet. The main goal of the project is to establish an open service platform enabling smart commertial buildings.

Eclectic approach towards network experimentations
In this project, we propose development and experimental evaluation of a new tool for testbed management for Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications which includes improved support for resource allocation, deployment and state-ofthe-art monitoring over a range of experimental testbeds.

Peering Monitor and Microscopic Analysis of the Internet
The objective of the Peeroskop project is the design and development of a system for the observational analysis of the Internet parts relevant for Germany, as well as the proactive and reactive protection of the backbone routing. Core components of the project are mechanisms for information fusion and information classification based on passive and active measurements which discover vulnerabilities in the Internet peering beforehand and bypass emerging disruptions.

Measurement- and model-based performance evaluation and speed-up of communications of multiprocessor PC systems in high-speed networks
In order to use PC-systems for high speed data transmission in gigabit and 10 gigabit networks drivers, network protocol stacks and applications need to be improved to fit the hardware architecture and to make use of its provided techniques for parallelization. Goal of the MEMPHIS project is to analyze and develop methods for performance evaluation and improvement of packet and protocol processing on current multiprocessor computer systems.

European Network of Excellence of Internet Science
Network of Excellence to establish the inter- and multi-disciplinary research area of Internet Science.

Flexible network environment for measurements and tests in high-performance networks
The purpose of this project is to develop a flexible testing environment for networking experiments such as functional and performance test of prototype implementations, traffic generation and network measurements, security evaluations. The Netlab testbed provides a dynamically linked network environment where different network scenarios can be realized.

Spontaneous Virtual Networks - Methods for the controllability of heterogeneous communication networks

VERsatile MONitoring Toolkit
Vermont is an open-source software toolkit for the creation and processing of network flow data, based on monitored Internet packet data

Scalable, efficient and flexible next generation converged mobile, wireless and fixed access networks

Load Transformations and their Usage for Traffic Prediction and Understanding in Networks with Security Requirements

High-speed network monitoring based on netflow accounting and packet sampling for accounting, charging, and intrusion detection

Semantically Oriented Software Engineering for Mobile Information Systems in an Entrepreneurial/Business Context

Resilience and Survivability for future networking - framework, mechanisms and experimental evaluation