
CCNC'20: Best Demo Award

Best Demo Award at CCNC 2020

Our demo of NCSbench has been awarded the Best Demo Award at the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC'20) in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

The demo presented NCSbench a platform consisting of a networked control system (NCS) and an NCS-specific benchmarking platform. The NCS is a two-wheeled inverted pendulum robot built upon Lego Mindstorms. The constuction plans for the robot, its software, and the benchmark is publicly available in our GitHub repository. All components are affordable and widely available so others can easily recreate NCSbench.

2020-01-01 Samuele Zoppi, Onur Ayan, Fabio Molinari, Zenit Music, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle, Wolfgang Kellerer, “NCSbench: Reproducible Benchmarking Platform for Networked Control Systems,” in 2020 IEEE 17th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) (CCNC 2020), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2020. [Pdf] [Bib]